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Tmmob Kaynak Teknolojileri Vii. Ulusal Kongresi Ve Sergisi - English - Tmmob Makina Mühendisleri Odasi

Eski 08-24-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Tmmob Kaynak Teknolojileri Vii. Ulusal Kongresi Ve Sergisi - English - Tmmob Makina Mühendisleri Odasi

To Whom It May Concern,
National Congress and Exhibition of Welding Technologies has been organized by the Chamber of Mechanical Engineers bi-annually since the year 1997
In the context of the Welding Technologies National Congress and Exhibition, the 7th of which will be held at the National Library Conference Hall on 13 and 14 November 2009, papers will be presented by the specialists of the welding sector, training and certification organizations, scientists and manufacturers of equipment and consumable materials
The event will be open to everyone interested in the subject Accordingly, if you wish to come together with your targeted customers and reach for a expansive body of those with a small budget by means of our congress in which the entire members of Engineering Chambers, Universities, Welding Technologies Training Centers, Certification Organizations, Vocational Advanced Schools and Vocational High Schools of Industry as well as all sizes of business operations carrying out their activities in the area of welded manufacturing will take part, you may also participate in the 7th National Congress and Exhibition of Welding Technologies as a sponsor or by taking part in the exhibition or advertising in the Congress Book of Papers
The exhibition which will be organized concurrently with the congress will continue two days and will be open to the producers of the entire types of equipment and consumable materials, commercial organizations, manufacturing companies and training and certification organizations
The "Congress Book of Papers" which will include the papers to be submitted in the framework of the congress will be printed prior to the event, issued to the congress delegates, sent to the related organizations following the congress and will be on sale in our branches

Our expectations regarding the Welding Congress Sponsorship are presented below for your information Other kinds of supports (sponsorship) that may be provided in addition to those mentioned here may also be acceptable based on the approval of our Congress Executive Committee

** Congress Bag: To be issued free of charge to each delegate taking part in the congress The bag model will be determined jointly by the Sponsor Organization and Congress Executive Committee and the logos of both the Sponsor Organization and our Chamber will be impressed inside the bag cover
** Congress Cocktail Party: To be held through the organization of the Executive Committee and at the location determined by the Executive Committee on the first day‘s evening of the congress The Sponsor Organization‘s logo will be printed on the invitation to the cocktail party while the banner to be posted during the cocktail party will bear the Sponsor Organization‘s logo as well as an expression that it is being given "in honor of the Welding Congress and Exhibition" The Organization will be able to familiarize the participants with its activities by means of the visual publicity media during the cocktail party
** Congress Lunches: To be served to all of the delegates, paper owners and those assigned to work at the congress during the two day period of the congress Lunch location and menu will be determined by the Executive Committee and the Sponsor Organization will be able to familiarize the participants with its activities by means of the visual publicity media during the lunch
** Tea/coffee and Cookies: To be served to all of the participants at all breaks during the two day period
** Congress Notepad and Pen: To be issued along with the congress bag and also to be issued to those who take part in the training Advertisement will be printed on the notepad cover inside and back cover while the pen will bear the congress and Sponsor Organization‘s names

In Recognition of the Sponsors:

** The support provided by the Sponsor Organization will be announced and its logo will be used in the congress web site prepared by the MMO (Chamber of Mechanical Engineers) If this organization has a web site, a link will be provided between the two web sites
** The contributions of all sponsors will be acknowledged by means of a banner that bears their names during the congress
** A plate for acknowledgement of their contributions will be presented to the sponsors during the congress cocktail party
With Regards,

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