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İngilizce Hayvan Tanıtımı Develer

Eski 07-28-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

İngilizce Hayvan Tanıtımı Develer

Develerin İngilizce Tanıtımı

Develerin Özellikleri İngilizce




Camels are domestic animals and found in dry and desert areas of Northern Africa and Asia The average life expectancy of a camel is 50 to 60 years Arabian camel has one hump on the body and Bactrian camel has two humps It is believed that they use their humps to store water but the humps are reservoir of fatty tissue However, when this tissue is metabolized, it is not only a source of energy, but yields through reaction with oxygen from the air 1,111 g of water per 1,000 g of fat converted A fully-grown adult camel stands 185m/6 feet at the shoulder and 215m/7 feet at the hump Camels can run up to 40mph in short bursts, and sustain speeds of up to 25mph

Facts about Camels
  • Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand
  • Camel can go for several days without food or water They carry a supply of fat in their humps A camel with a sagging hump is a hungry camel! They lose no water from their bodies They do not sweat and their urine is solid crystal People in the desert do not wash-up with water, they use sand to clean their dirty dishes
  • An annoyed camel will spit at a person

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