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sıfat, türleri

Sıfat Türleri

Eski 05-08-2009   #1

Sıfat Türleri

İNGİLİZCE 'DE SIFAT TÜRLERİ - TYPES OF ADJECTIVESa) Demonstrative Adjectives: this, that, these, those
b) Distributive Adjectives: each, every, either, neither
c) Indefinite Quantities: some , any, no , little, few many , much, one, twenty, etc
d) Forms of Other: other, the other, another
e) Question Words: which, What , Whose
f) Possessive Adjectives: my, your, his, her, its our, you, their
g) Adjectives of Physical Appearance: square, tall, etc
h) Opinion Adjectives: beautiful, early, cheap, important, difficult, dangerous, etc
i) Adjectives of Age: old , young, middle- aged ,etc
j) Adjectives of Size: large, small, little, etc
k) Colors: yellow, blue, purple, etc…
l) Nationalities: Turkish, American, Chinese, etc…
m) Material: metal, iron, gold, etc…
n) Participles: boring – bored, interesting – interested in, tired- tiring, etc

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