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To Be

Eski 05-08-2009   #1

To Be

Structure: An adjective is simply used with “be” as in the examples
 The structure is : “be+ adjective”

a) The car is red
b) The car is big
c) The car is dirty
d) The car is old
e) The car is beautiful Use:

An adjective gives information about a noun In the examples the adjectives tells us about the quality, the appearance or the speakers ideas about the subject nouns

Note that the subject in example a,b,c and d are the same, but the adjectives are different Therefore, each adjective modifies the noun in a different way as: size, color, appearance and opinion

f) I am old
g) He is tired
h) She is friendly

Adjectives can also modify pronouns as in examples f, g, and h

i) They are happy
j) Mike and John are short
k) Lemons are sour
Adjectives can give information about more than one noun, but adjectives do not have plural ending as –s
Important Reminder:

 A & an can not be used with a single adjective
1) The car is a red ( In correct) See example( a)

 Adjectives don’t have plural forms:
 2) Mike and John are short ( In correct) See example( j)

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