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charlotte, good, murder, world

Good Charlotte - In This World (Murder)

Eski 07-01-2008   #1

Good Charlotte - In This World (Murder)

In this world all our sins are simple
but you step over innocent lines
and in this world its not all our money that's evil
its the ones you choose over life

and in my heart I can not believe in this murder
and I will not be fed by the lies
our lies are created just to be murdered
It's murder

no matter how hard they try
and no matter how loud they cry
they can't
buy their way into heaven
no matter how hard they try
and no matter how high they climb
up the ladder
they won't reach up into heaven

and make us see
the innocent lives
the poor and the suffering
and in my heart I (two words I can't make out)
do with this murder
and give back the innocent lives
open cages and stop their luxirous murder
its murder

no matter how hard they try
and no matter how loud they cry
they can't
buy their way into heaven
no matter how hard they try
and no matter how high they climb
up the ladder
they won't reach up into heaven

Ohh innocent lives
(Can't make out)

no matter how hard they try
and no matter how loud they cry
they can't
buy their way into heaven
no matter how hard they try
and no matter how high they climb
up the ladder
they won't reach up into heaven

no matter how hard they try
and no matter how loud they cry
they can't
buy their way into heaven
no matter how hard they try
and no matter how high they climb
up the ladder
they won't reach up into heaven
heaven [fading out]

Hakan Guven®
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