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1000, soruluk, testi, vocabulary

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

Eski 11-04-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

1 How often do you eat supper ?

a last night
b the day after tomorrow
c every night
d sunday

2 How about a cup of coffee ?

a Yes I do
b Yes, please
c No, please
d No, I don't

3 What can we do in a bank ?

a mail a letter
b send a package
c open an account
d buy a suit

4 It's four fifteen What time is it ?

a 4:15 hours
b quarter to four
c 15:15 hours
d a quarter past four

5 He has a scholarship What does he have ?

a a government support
b a class in the morning
c a ship for traveling
d a shower

6 He must go to the dentist

a He should go
b He has to go
c He is able to go
d He ought to go

7 She is preparing coffee

a repairing
b fixing
c doing
d stirring

8 Mary should get in touch with her mother

a contact
b see
c call
d call in

9 He ignored the blinking yellow light

a bright
b mid
c flash
d turning on and off

10 He got the right answer

a correct
b false
c answer on the right
d opposite left

11 Tickets are available for the show tonight

a expensive
b cheap
c sold out

12 Mary got to class on time

a She was early
b she was late
c She was panty
She was punctual
13 The flight was canceled because of the rain

a called off
b called of
c called for
d called out

14 Silver and gold are :-):-):-):-)ls

a cheap
b usual
c expensive
d common

15 The room is stuffy

a crowded
b hot
c cold
d with no (fresh) air

16 You should do some physical training

a exercise
b physics
c military training
d studying

17 He also speaks Spanish quite / well

a many
b pretty
c much
d quality

18 He tore his new suit

a took away
b took apart
c took part in
d took up

19 John made a good grade on the exam

a got a good mark
b copy some of it
c wrote on the mark
d sold his score

20 His car has much dirt on it

a it needs to be fixed
b it needs to be washed
c it needs to be painted
d it needs to be waxed

21 My hotel room faces Madison Avenue

a look out of
b look in on
c look out on
d look on out

22 Sue broke away from the crowd

a joined away
b joint from
c scared of
d stopped associating

23 Keep your eyes on the road

a Be aware of
b Be up for
c had them fixed
d got it cheap

24 The students checked out their suitcases

a registered
b paid for
c had them fixed
d got it cheap

25 My father enjoy reading the local news

a news in the continental
b news in abroad
c news in the city
d news in the states

26 He fixed my car in an hour

a in a period of an hour
b by a period of an hour
c after one o'clock
d between two hours

27 Tom is a very neat person

a tiny
b tidy
c tone
d Tommy

28 Mr Jones tried out the plane

a fixed
b tested
c tasted
d toasted

29 The hotel rooms are expensive

a not cheap
b cheap
c available
d properly

30 I took swimming last year

a went
b studied
c gone
d made

31 Robert failed in his last exam

a passed
b didn't pass
c succeeded
d got a good grade

32 The weather was cloudy but it cleaned up last night

a made rainy
b became windy
c became
d hail stormed

33 Steve is not afraid to fly sole
a with an instructor
b alone
c in the back
d in the front

34 I'm not used to drinking coffee

a be used for
b be accustomed to
c be accustom to
d be not accustomed to

35 Don't try this one on

a test
b fix
c shorten
d lengthen

36 The sleeves are not long enough

a They are too long
b They are short
c They are wide
They are loose

37 Mary wrote a letter to Insurance Company

a to get a letter
b to borrow money
c to compensate for the accident
d to get her mother work

38 The merchandise are expensive here

a good
b well
c goods
d wells

39 The suit for summer are on sale

a expensive
b cheap (at a reduced price)
c available
d common

40 Mr Smith and Mr Brown are business partners
a friends with each other
b doctors on the land
c associated with another
d communicate with another

41 The students made up their minds to go to party

a went
b wanted
c declared
d decided

42 Occasionally Joe is going to the movies

a Sometimes
b rarely
c usually
d always

43 John is irritated with his friends

a bothered (annoyed)
b talked
c rewarded
d communicated

44 They left out ******ant words

a skipped
b memorized
c got use to
d went on

45 He dreads going to the dentist

a is willing to
b isn't afraid of
c fears
d feathers

46 You should report at headquarters at once

a immidiately
b scarcely
c promptly
d at one time

47 Today's lecture is heard by everybody

a menu
b talk
c device of record
d woman

48 He pointed the corner and said " please sit there

a He sit in the corner
b He sit on the corner
c He sit under the corner
d He sit somewhere in the back

49 He said instrument Panel is very ******ant

a a place where you sit
b a place where you hang
c a board holding the gauges
d a vehicle you get on

50 He bought a light-weight uniform

a clothes for flying
b clothes for swimming
c clothes for training
d clothes for summer

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

Eski 11-04-2012   #2
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

51 He asked where he could find the weather news

a in the want ads section
b in the weather report section
c on the first page
d on the editorial page

52 Larry seems very antagonistic

a hostile
b friendly
c anxious
d Hungary

53 We had a thundershower last night

a a rain with snow
b a rain with lightning
c a snow with ice
d a rain with sunlight

54 Synthetic fabrics are made from _______________

a wool
b cotton
c artificial things
d big plants

55 In summer 98% saturated air means __________

a snow
b clear, sunny day
c lightning
d rain

56 A thermometer is used to measure _______________

a pressure
b temperature
c density
d humidity

57 Competitive sports are ___________

a played with a team against another
b played with everybody
c played with children
d played with a group

58 Scales are used for ____________

a stealing objects
b weighing objects
c treasury of objects
d driving objects

59 The man said turn off the faucet He wanted us to __________

a switch on
b switch off
c switch of
switch up

60 The dentist drilled Haymoor's tooth

a made a hole
b put a medicine
c gave him a shot
d broke his teeth

61 Their mission was to blow up the building

a erection
b not to catch
c assignment
d situation

62 I don't want to interrupt you

a cut off
b disconnect
c cut out
d cut in on

63 The sailors abandoned the burning ship

a watered
b left
c painted
d burned

64 Nylon differs from silk as to origin and cost

a to be like
b to be similar
c to be unlike
d to be same

65 He said "Hold the phone, please,"

a hang up
b answer it
c don't hang up
d catch it

66 New York and Boston are port cities

a ******ant cities
b harbor cities
c capital cities
d large cities

67 I can pass this car before the oncoming car gets here

a passing
b going
c approaching
d vanishing

68 I don't believe in supersititions
a magic
b super things
c good saying
d bad beliefs

69 Mary and I do away with the old books

a threw away
b eliminate
c renew
d restore

70 John is a _____________ student than Mary

a more
b most
c best
d better

71 I saw John last night

a tomorrow night
b the night before yesterday
c yesterday
the other night

72 Which number is between 15 and 20

a 8
b 10
c 16
d 23

73 In what season does snow fall?

a spring
b summer
c fall
d winter

74 What is the solid form of water?
a ice
b water
c vapor
d steam

75 Alice went to the movies two hours before 1300 When did she go to the movies?

a 0900 hours
b 1100 hours
c 1300 hours
d 1500 hours

76 Bad weather hold up the flight

a canceled
b decayed
c delayed
d deployed

77 There are many high buildings here

a height
b large
c wide
d tall

78 I'll be back at ten o'clock

a in back of
b return
c detour
d remind

79 Hotel prices are very expensive here

a tall
b cheaper
c high
d reasonable

80 Sue was sitting next to Mary in class

a beside
b besides
c against
d in back of

81 She has to see the doctor right away

a ought to
b should
c must
d be able to

82 All soldiers stand by to receive a message

a standing in order
b standing at ease
c standing at attention
d be prepared

83 People must put out their camp fires

a put it out of tent
b extinguish
c distinguish

84 He sensed very sick yesterday

a felt
b got
c was
d looked

85 They'll leave there for good

a being rich
b permanently
c for a short time
d for merchandise

86 Allen called his wife up last night

a called her upstairs
b telegraph her
c telephoned
d reprimanded

87 My father is used to smoking

a be accustomed to
b become accustomed to
c be accustom to
d become accustom to

88 The plane will leave at 915 am

a arrive
b depart
c land
d crash

89 Can I rely on you on this matter?

a depend on
b reply on
c gripe
a grape

90 This TV set needs to be fixed

a have
b gets
c requires
d wants

91 If you divide 100 by 5, the result is

a 105
b 500
c 20
d 95

92 The doctor looked the patient over careaaaay

a examined
b gave a shot
c gave a medicine
d gave a prescription

93 Two plus two equals four This process is called

a multiplication
b division
c subtraction
d addition

94 The plane landed the island

a in
b on
c at
d from

95 You're in charge of the office

a have possession of
b have responsibility for
c have something done
d have the money for

96 The storm made much damage last night

a strong
b a lot of
c severe
d several

97 No, two dresses were alike

a two dresses were alike
b two dresses were not alike
c everyone's dresses were alike
d everyone's dresses were different

98 He called a cab so he will travel _____

a by bus
b by taxi
c by private car
d on a taxi

99 New York attracts many people every year

a many people visit there
b many people like there
c some people spend a night there
d everybody is pulled to New York

100 a He looked the patient over
b He over looked the patient
c The patient looked he over
d The patient looked over him

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

Eski 11-04-2012   #3
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

101 a Did you get here when?
b When did you here get?
c When you get here?
d When did you get here?

102 She _______ he ________ going to the movies

a and - is
b or - were
c or - was
d and - was

103 It was a cold night

a Temperature was very high
b The weather was cloudy
c Temperature went down
d It was a very dark night

104 What is a sofa?

a a place to eat
b a place to sleep
c a place to drink
d a place to sit

105 After the fire drill he took down the ladder:

a fall into chief
b fell onto ground
c pushed away
d pulled down

106 He picked out the gray suit

a choosen
b choosed
c chose
d selects

107 They ___________ on the exam in the morning

a made good
b made well
c did good
did well

108 While ____________ you must be careful

a drive a car
b a car driven
c driving
d to drive a car

109 He goes to the cafeteria once in a while

a rarely
b sometimes
c always
d for a short time

110 The engine of the car is not running

a out of order
b in good condition
c in good shape
d opening well

111 What can we use in lubrication?

a fuel
b gasoline
c oil
d unleaded kerosene

112 They try to avoid _______Turkish in class!

a to speak
b to speaking
c speaking
d for speaking

113 He is tired _________ studying English

a of
b off
c with
d for

114 __________ is very dangerous on icy roads

a to speeding
b speeding
c speeded
d spending

115 ____________ is a hazard for workshop

a studying
b tight
c tie
d loosened suits

116 a He writes to his wife many letters
b He writes his wife to many letters
c He writes many letters his wife
d He writes many letters to his wife_____

117 The high head lights of an oncoming car makes the people annoyedBecause, they make people

a hungry for the time
b angry for dark moment
c awake for a moment
d blind for a moment

118 The knife isn't sharp

a interesting
b dull
c cuts easily
d unbladed

119 I don't think it _________ rain

a can
b might
c shall
d doesn't

120 There is a heavy traffic on city street

a a lot of cars on the streets
b a lot of people on the streets
c a lot of people and cars on the street
d a lot of bumpy road in the city

121 I thought of him much

a anxious
b wondered
c respect for
d trained

122 He checks his car every day

a pays
b inspects
c registrates
d drives

123 The light keeps turning on and off

a blinking
b wrinkling
c revolving
d going out

124 We arrived at a place with stream

a available
b expensive
c small house
d small river

125 She has a lot of time to study

a much
b some
c any
d many

126 We have two or more different types

a many
b much
c several
d lot of

127 Jane is _________ member of all

a the more clever
b better clever
c the most clever
d clever

128 She is as tall as her sister

a the same
b different from
c alike
d similar to

129 He _________ buy it if he had money

a would
b will
c would be
d would have

130 You can never go there yourself, ________

a can't you?
b can you?
c are you?
d don't you?

131 They _______ him since 1971

a have gone
b has gone
c haven't seen
d had been

132 He paid $ 075 for haircut, $ 025 for coffee
Which item is more expensive?

a coffee
b haircut
c both
d none

133 Mary bought some magazines ___________

a reading
b to reading
c read
d to read

134 It ________ make any difference to me

a do
b may
c does
d doesn't

135 He sent a letter to ________

a me
b they
c he
d I

136 He came to class after it started He was

a Handy
b tidy
c large
d late

137 Compass always points ______________

a east
b west
c north
d south

138 He seldom goes to the movies

a often
b sometimes
c not often
d not always

139 The machine isn't running well,
so its condition is ________

a well
b rich
c powerful
d poor

140 This jacket has a good lining

a design
b color
c quality
d inner surface

141 Sgt Coe got out of the room after him

a slept
b right
c left
d picked

142 The class will start at 3 o'clock When does the class start?

a 1500 pm
b 1500 hours
c 1500 am
d 1500 afternoon

143 The job is still open

a not close
b available
c reasonable
d fashionable
144 They came here and settled

a went to a new place and lived
b sold a new house
c bought a new plant
d fixed the TV and radio

145 She is ___________ than her mother

a more short
b taller
c more expensive
d more nicer

146 It's a quarter before ten

a 1015
b a quarter to nine
c fifteen minutes after ten
d fifteen minutes to ten

147 Light-weight uniforms are put on in ______

a winter
b summer
c sports
d ceremonies

148 They search for the lost child

a sake
b seek
c soak
d save

149 He took off his hat She did ________

a so
b too
c also
d either

150 The remainder of the sentence is not understood

a stayed
b left
c rest
d grammar

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

Eski 11-04-2012   #4
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

151 Jane worked the problem out easily

a saved
b seeked
c solved
d saked

152 You should see the doctor at once

a immediately
b intermediately
c unconsciously
d intentionally

153 The dentist extracted john's tooth

a put a medicine
b broke
c made a hole
d pulled out

154 The police is looking into the criminal

a watching
b investigating
c investing
d waiting

155 Many children look up to their parents

a admire
b take after
c be similar to
d resemble

156 They eliminate some of the students

a do away for
b do away with
c do away in
d do away from

157 He felt (faint) for lack of food

a weak
b happy
c sad
d sorry

158 You should skip the dessert

a ommit
b omni
c leave for
d leave out

159 Extinguish your cigarette before throwing it

a put off
b put out
c put on
d put aside

160 Review your notes before the exams

a look for
b look in on
c look up to
d look over

161 He was tardy for class this morning

a sick
b late
c old enough
d well

162 He took over after his father

a assumed control
b approved the facts
c opposed with
d saluted on

163 The resume is heard by everbody

a announcement
b shortoned form of a speech
c a lot of noise
d a slight noise from machine

164 I bought a book on a digest of Roman Laws

a condensed form
b strenghten form
c largened form
d dividing form

165 These trousers need to be taken up

a studied
b covered
c lenghtened
d shortened

166 What would you like to drink?

a coffee
b candy
c cigarette
d soup

167 She felt unconscious after the operation

a faint
b dead
c strong

168 How would you like your meat?

a T-bone steak
b with wrapped
c in a refrigirator
d well-done

169 Did he drink much coffee?

a No, he never
b Yes, he ever drink
c No, he never drink
d Yes, he did

170 What do you see? I see fıve ----------?

a sheep
b ship
c sheeps
d deers

171 Was it expensive to you?

a it was expensive for buy
b it was for me expensive
c it was expensive for me to buy
d it was expensive to me to buy

172 Do you need a complete rest after you are sick?

a No I don't take it after you are sick
b Anybody needs it after he is sick
c Nobody needs it after he is sick
d Somebody needs it before he is sick

173 Does she look like her mother?

a take back
b follow
c resemble
d admire

174 Does he go to class every morning?

a Yes, she doesn't
b No, she doesn't
c No, he does
d No,he doesn't

175 Can you get out of class?

a If I can get money I can
b If I can't get permission, I can
c If I can't get books, I can't
d If I can get permission, I can

176 It should come in any minute now

a recommendation
b necessation
c probability
d possession

177 Did she say that he ____________ come?

a will
b is going to
c would
d had have

178 Do you go with them to the party?

a Yes he does
b No she doesn't
c Yes you do so
Yes I think so

179 To be careless with arms is dangerous What is dangerous?

a to be careful with arms
b to break with arms
c to be careless with guns
d to be careless with armies

180 What is the difference between 4 and 2 ?

a 6
b 8
c 2
d 4

181 Where did you wind up last night ?

a in a hospital
b to the clock
c No, I didn't
d I did wound up in home

182 Did she say he would come?

a yes, he would
b yes, she would
c no, she would
d yes, she did

183 Is he a fast driver?

a no, he is slow
b yes, she comes fast
c yes, he drives fast
d she sometimes rides a bus

184 He wears his hair down his ears

a he has long hair
b he cuts his hair long
c he has the barber cut his hair long
d he has long sideburns

185 What do the streetcars use?

a fuel
b electricity
c vapor diesel
d stream power

186 If you have a__________ You can travel without pay

a money
b money order
c check
d transfer

187 You pay a few cents for a transfer
For what do you pay a few cents?

a a bus
b a transfer
c a game
d a show

188 Can't you come with me?

a Yes, I do
b Yes, I'm not
c No, I'm not
d Yes, I can

189 You went to the movies with him, ___________

a did you?
b don't you?
c doesn't he?
d didn't you?

190 He decided to go at last

a end
b at bottom
c finally
d in the back of

191 He dated his letter on the ____________

a twenty-first
b twenty-one
c sunday
d last night

192 Many countries have kings but not __________

a president
b ministers
c teachers
d cowboys

193 Who protects the country?

a women
b Armed Forces
c rangers
d policemen

194 The commander gave a ______________

a speech
b speak
c order
d sayings

195 I wish I ____________ more English

a know
b have known
c had known
d knowed

196 Will you please do me a ______________?

a favor
b favoritte
c favorable
d cake

197 Henry cought _____________ badly

a a fish
b cold
c the police
d his mother

198 Those two books are close ___________

a next to
b near
c together
d ranges

199 In many cities they don't charge people for ____________

a crimes
b a bus
c a restaurant
d schools

200 My friend always makes me _____________

a study
b studies
c studied
d studying

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

Eski 11-04-2012   #5
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

201 She makes the ______ every morning

a job
b beds
c homework
d dishes

202 He will take a new job

a in a different city
b for a few money
c for take more money
d get more pay

203 Doctors must be ready to go out

a with their cars
b on a call
c on a sunny day
d on bad weather conditions

204 He should do it right away

a promptly
b quickly
c slowly
d will

205 He has of time to do it

a many
b much
c a lot
d lot

206 What is the between you and me?

a different
b difference
c differential
d differ

207 He drives more careaaaay than we

a are
b do
c does
d is

208 She knows more than

a him
b me
c his
d anyone else

209 This situation is going to get

a worse
b good
c quickly
d at once

210 There are many mountain peaks in west

a summits
b sums
c summary
d sumtans

211 Traffic is a problem --------------- city life

a for
b of
c with
d from

212 I had him --------------- my letter

a sealed
b seals
c sealing
d seal

213 She -------------- she'll buy it soon

a said
b says
c tells
d told
214 The bird flew --------------- the trees

a on
b over
c amongly
d with

215 His mother told him ----------- early (tell s/o to do s/t)

a come back
b to come back
c coming back
d came back

216 They sat close ------------------ in the clasroom

a near
b next to
c together
d shave

217 ------------------ I own is my (property)

a which
b where
c what
d why

218 All these --------------- made him very tired

a exercises
b experience
c experiment
d studyings

219 They are all voting for me

a against me
b not against me
c supporting me
d possessing me

220 I am ---------------- such heavy traffic

a used to
b using to
c use to
d using in

221 There are few mountain peaks in texas

a three of them
b many
c not much
d not many

222 Uniforms are mandatory in class

a optional
b must
c choiceable
d depends on you

223 He will -------------- a speech

a make
b do
c want
d gain

224 Are you going to pass on the exam?

a yes, I thinks so
b yes, I imagine so
c yes, he is going
d yes I believes so

225 I ' m not a pilot --------------- am I

a neither
b either
c so
d also
226 They go to movies off and on

a usually
b sometimes
c rarely
d always

227 This watch needs --------------------

a to fix
b fix
c fixing
d be fixed

228 --------------- case of fire, pull the knob

a on
b in
c at
d off

229 The slacks are on sale

a for sale
b four sail
c at a reduced price
d cheap

230 When did you turn in last night?

a go to bed
b came back
c be on time
d submitted

231 It is good to make reservation in advance

a on time
b at the station
c already
d beforehand

232 There are many huge buildings here

a strong
b very large
c apartment
d private

233 He accepted the present---------------- pleasure

a in
b on
c at
d with

234 There are many rigid traffic rules

a unnessary
b necessary
c strict
d punishable

235 The car stalled on the highway

a stopped
b turned over
c slowed down
d slipped

236 He managed to start the car

a may
b could
c can
d might

237 Neither he -------------- his parents are coming

a nor
b or
c both
d either

238 Would you mind ---------------- the door?

a to open
b opening
c open
d opened

239 I arrive ---------- the station at 6 o'clock

a in
b on
c at
d from

240 I usually go by bus

a off and on
b occasionally
c rarely
d most of the time

241 The class is over at 3:20 pm

a ends
b terminate
c finish
d begins

242 I saw him -------------

a leaves
b leave
c to leave
d for living

243 Look me ----------- in the directory
a over
b up
c into
d for
244 He was under the weather yesterday

a in a rainy day
b in a debt
c ill
d very upset

245 You should take it individually

a one to by
b one by one
c one for one
d one after one

246 They live there for good

a temporarily
b optional
c sometimes
d for ever

247 We should have a new furnace in here

a lamp
b table
c stove
d tape-recorder

248 They imitate their parents

a look like
b take after
c resemble
d copy

249 You shouldn't increase the prices

a decrease
b declare
c dedicate

250 They got a ticket because of increasing

a speeding-up
b not obeying the traffic lights
c not obeying the policeman
d ignoring the traffic sign

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

Eski 11-04-2012   #6
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

251 Would you give me a ride?

a horse
b nickel
c writing letters
d lift

252 There is much room on the bus

a seat
b space
c people
d crowd

253 I'm putting weight

a fat
b thin
c less than usual
d loading packages

254 It isn't familiar ----------------- Jane Hassel

a in
b for
c with
d to

255 I am familiar ----------- that word

a in
b for
c with
d to

256 He was a real wind bag

a handsome
b chatler box
c stingy
d two faced

257 Jane was a two faced girl

a beautiful
b tricky
c fat
d clever

258 The thief was at large

a in prison
b in a large place
c fat
d clever

259 Who brought up this subject?

a carried
b carried up
c introduced
d took up

260 The flight was called off

a delayed
b can celed
c left
d announced

261 The book you bought was a good deal

a bargain
b much
c a lot

262 The commander called the Sgt in

a summary
b summarized
c summoned
d survived

263 His score on ECL test was unbelieveable

a incredible
b very high
c very low
d real success
264 Not only John ________ his uncle is coming

a and
b but
c because
d also

265 Is it likely to rain this morning?

a may
b apt
c perhaps
d may be

266 We have quite ample food here

a enough
b much
c less
d spailed

267 Each person stands for his country

a represents
b reprimands
c replaces
d saves

268 He was late on account of heavy rain

a because
b because of
c rely on
d depend on

269 Who took up the books?

a covered with
b collected
c brought upstairs
d stole

270 Where do we have a dense fog?

a thick
b thin
c hot
d cloudy

271 Who is a plumber ? A men who deals with

a books
b tapes
c cars
d faucets

272 The instructor handed in the papers

a sent
b delivered
c pick out
d bought

273 She uses a lot of make up

a cosmetics
b exercises
c tariff

274 She had a valid excuse for missing the class

a temporamy
b acceptable
c optional
d currency

275 He had a temporary duty last year

a permanent
b continous
c hasty
d not permenant

276 I wish I _________ the money to him

a give
b lend
c barrowed
d had given

277 Smoking is prohibited in here

a permitted
b not allowed
c not to be allowed
d to be allowed

278 How much is that in ____________?

a whole
b all
c you
d stale

279 Where are the trousers that go with this suit?

a come with
b go by
c go together
d match

280 There is a booth in a laboratory

a a small enclosed place
b a place to seat
c shoes for training
d a kind of vessel

281 Mary is a timid girl

a easily taken
b easily frightened
c ugly
d hard to get

282 I don't care for hill billy music

a dislike
b like
c take after
d listen to

283 You may find more data in school

a information
b friends
c girls to date
d something to study

284 There is a lot of barren land in Turkey

a fertile (verimli)
b wet
c not fertile
d large

285 There is a lot of arid land in Turkey

a fertile
b dry
c wet
d large

286 There was abundant food left at the party
a much
b fade
c spoiled
d enough

287 Worn-out floor mats indicate high-miliage

a new
b painted
c repaired
d useless

288 Please , take your time

a arrange your time
b plan your work
c don't hurry
d hurry up

289 You can acquire money by working

a loose
b gain
c lend
c borrow

290 I got my ticket confirmed last night

a proved
b proofed
c prohibited
d prolonged

291 Weatherman predicts rain today

a prepares
b forecasts
c broadcasts
d casts

292 They have something fragile in that box

a unknown
b durable
c easily broken
d expensive

293 Her father was well-off before death

a sick
b rich
c poor
d operated

294 In comparison__________many countries
Turkey is fairly rich

a with
b to
c in
d for

295 We have a stationary site there

a mobile
b fixed
c big
d temporary

296 Many people have numerous children

a handicapped
b clever
c a lot of

297 They tear down old buildings to restore

a demolish
b polish
c selfish
d panish

298 They calculated how many are coming

a listed
b figured
c solved
d wrote

299 The walls of the castle collapsed

a crashed
b caved in
d demolish
d destroyed

300 The walls of the house hold it up

a delay
b cancel
c support
d put off

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

Eski 11-04-2012   #7
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

301 My shirt has a stiff collar
(katı sert)
a large
b long
c rigid (sert)
d loose

302 When did you wax your car?

a wash
b polish
c paint
d repair

303 I bought a portable radio

a movable
b fixed
c stationery
d stationary

304 Have ou got any idea about solar system

a selling used cars and appliances
b having to do with the sun
c a system in modern math
d a system used in teaching

305 Don't use the rear door

a back
b front
c main
d gate

306 I wish him a merry christmas

a long
b new
c cheerful
d significant

307 Sue is an industrious student in his class

a lazy
b hard-working
c merchants
d sleepy

308 What are the dimensions of this class

a numbers
b names
c distances
d desires

309 Why do we inflate the auto tires ?

a put air in
b put air out
c exhale

310 Mary is an envious girl

a stingy
b cheerful
c attractive
d jealous

311 They have usually had drizzle there

a heavy snow
b heavy rain
c light rain
d rain with thunder

312 A shower is rain that falls for_____________

a a long time
b a short time
c only in winter
d a period of an hour

313 A cloudburst is a very_____________

a heavy rain
b light rain
c rain with thunder
d rain and hail

314 When hail falls we say it ___________

a is hailed
b is hailing
c hails
d hailed

315 I jacked up the car before he came

a started
b stopped
c stalled
d lifted

316 New York is famous for its skyscrapers

a Tall buildings
b large houses
c World's fair
d lightnings

317 He never fails to read books

a sometimes reads
b always read
c usually reads
d reads now and then

318 The blind_____________the people who need help

a am
b is
c are
d would

319 Jane would have had enough money for the groceries if she hadn't bought a hat

a She bought a hat
b She bought the groceries
c She went to grocery
d She didn't buy a hat

320 If the plane is due to at 7:15 and has been delayed a quarter of an hour
ıt will arrive at _________

a 7:00
b 7:15
c 7:30
d 7:45

321 Jane should have gone to the party instead of studying on Saturday night

a Jane didn't study but attended to the party
b Jane didn't study and didn't attend to the party
c Jane studied but didn't attend to the party
d Jane studied and attend to the party

322 Henry slams the door and gets out

a closes slightly
b opens a little
c slips under
d closes forceaaaay

323 Marry has to be more careaaaa,_____________

a has she ?
b hasn't she ?
c don't she ?
d doesn't she ?

324 It must have been forgotten Must shows __________

a necessity
b recommendation
c probability
d obligation

325 Susan's suitcase was so aaaa that it wouldn't shut Susan's suitcase

a big
b small
c loaded
d overloaded (aşırı doldurulmuş)

326 Do they mind _______I open the door ?

a because
b beside
c if
d whether

327 The cowboy shot and bandit bit the dust

a died
b kicked
c lied down
d fainted

328 Please lend me ___________ dollar

a a few
b few
c a
d some

329 We never learn from history

a We learn many things by history
b History is ******ant in people's life
c We repeat the mistakes of the past
d We don't learn through history

330 The helicopter rescued the flood victims

a saved
b escaped
c got rid of

331 The policeman directed him to the station

a showed
b guided
c arrested

332 After the accident he had a severe injury

a ******ant
b serious
c much
d wounded

333 He is walking _______________ rain

a in
b on
c at
d out

334 She waits on the customer fast

a waits for
b pays for
c serves
d answers

335 He was a well-known artist

a handsome
b famous
c poor
d very rich

336 Mother was holding _________ the child's hand

a in
b with
c from
d on

337 Who gave you a ring last night ?

a after marriage
b a present
c telephoned
d visited

338 He was resuscitated after the operation
a fainted
b revived
c died
d recovered

339 you can handle the machine easily

a switch
b operate
c stop
d buy

340 How are the rates for meal of this hotel?

a Prices
b rations
c tastes
d qualities

341 How many floors do this hotel have ?

a houses
b departments
c rooms
d stories

342 He took off the wheel to repair it

a mounted
b remounted
c repaired
c removed

343 What does the indicator read ?

a show
b shower
c boarder
d needle

344 The student's behaviour must be good

a conduct
b condense
c contract
d contrary

345 Would you give me a hand ?

a help
b shake hands
c a bread
d hold a hand

346 There were many horses in the race

a confess
b confirm
c contest
d conduct

347 Who asist the doctors in hospital ?

a cares
b pays
c looks over
d helps

348 You are not allowed to copy in exams

a cheat
b chase after
c choke away
d chop down

349 Have you got any chance to go out ?

a oppose
b opportunity
c opportionet
d chose

350 You feel relaxed after taking a bath

a comfortable
b time-table
c schedule
d programme

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

Eski 11-04-2012   #8
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

351 Normally I eat three times a day

a always
b sometimes
c usually
d after

352 The plane was detained due to rain

a plan to
b according to
c as to
d because of

353 The plane was detained due to rain

a dismissed
b delayed
c delivered
d deliberated

354 My wife turns down all kinds of offers

a accepts
b refuses
c approves

355 To tell the __________ he was very strong

a lied
b true
c truth

356 We'll maintain talking about him later

a go
b start
c keep
d stop

357 We defeated the enemy in war

a suffered
b beat
c cheated
d disguised

358 DrSmith advised him to give up smoking

a start
b admit defeats
c stop
d addict

359 She was well-attired at the party

a dressed
b made up
c coiffered
d known

360 Practically every American has two cars

a always
b almost
c about
d generally

361 This aaaaa outlines my job in the Army

a summary
b briefs
c indicates
d holds

362 We ran ot of gas while driving to town

a finished
b bought
c sold
d found

363 Durable things last longer

a flexible
b solid
c stable
d easily broken

364 They did many feats in their field

a jobs
b experiments
c achivements
d experiences

365 I took it for granted that he was gone

a accepted
b assumed
c understood
d realized

366 He got a new vocation in that field

a vehicle
b plant
c profession

367 It's relevant with the other people

a corporated
b coordinated
c similar

368 What holds you up ?

a effects
b delays
c looks
d takes

369 Did you do away with these stuffy things ?

a eliminate
b repair
c paint
d sell

370 The ship is discharging

a unloading
b changing direction
c loading
d eliminating

371 Where did you come across that expression ?

a realize
b memorize
c summarize
d seize

372 We shouldn't believe in superstitions

a fictitous
b fiction
c bad beliefs
d super things

373 When did you hit the sack last night?

a go to bed
b short
c sleepy
d study

374 He is addicted to smoking

a likes very much
b habitually accustomed to
c hates to do it
d not accustomed to

375 He makes up these kind of stories

a tells
b invents
c writes
d memorizes

376 He went to the bank to __________ some money

a try
b borrow
c lend
d steal
377 The Lt was put on red carpet by the commander

a bought a rug
b reprimanded
c ordered
d promoted

378 The thermostat is used to regulate the temperature in the class

a adjust
b regularity
c control
d increase

379 What regulates the temperature ?

a thermostat
b thermo
c barometer

380 __________ liquids must be kept careaaaay

a capable
b flammable
c explosive
d bloomy

381 I am tired of ______ books

a to read
b to reading
c read
d reading

382 I would have gone there if I _________

a slept
b didn't sleep
c hadn't sleep
d hadn't slept

383 He has a nickel and three cents He has ______

a 4 cents
b 6 cents
c 13 cents
d 8 cents

384 We'll be there at exactly three o'clock

a untill three o'clock
b about three o'clock
c at 1500 hours sharp
d by three o'clock

385 It's three forty-five

a a quarter to five
b a quarter to four
c a quarter past three
d a quarter to three

386 Attending to the meeting was optional

a everybody should go there
b Some students will go to the meeting
c They had a must to go there
d They had a choice of attending to the meeting

387 He is the tallest member of the team

a He is taller
b He is taller than the other members
c The other members are short
d They are all shorter than other team

388 He drives as ___________ Mary does

a many than
b much so
c fast as
d as fast as

389 She sings __________ of the three

a the more melodiously
b the most melodious
c the most melodiously
the melodiously

390 He will make a good pilot

a He teaches how to fly
b He wants to fly
c He learns pilot in squadron
d He writes records for pilot

391 He is going to take a pilot training

a He will be a teacher
b He wants to take exam
c He is going to fly
d He will buy a book about flying

392 Why don't you avoid ______ ?

a smoke
b to smoke
c smoking
d to smoking

393 ___________ is a good exercise

a swimming
b swim
c swims
d to swimming

394 I'll put those books in place ______ you can find them

a where
b which
c who
d how

395 Don't you understand English ?

a No, I don't
b Yes, I don't
c Yes I never
d No, I ever do

396 What is the result called in addition ?

a sum
b summary
c summot
d summit

397 I got my lessons ___________

a to forwarded
b forward
c forwarded
d to forward

398 He __________go to the movies, does he ?

a usually
b doesn't never
c doesn't ever
d never

399 I never go to the library , ______ ?

a do I
b don't I
c am I
d am I not

400 Because it was snowing outside, _____

a We went to the picnic
b We went to the movie
c We didn't go anywhere
d We didn't stay home instead

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

Eski 11-04-2012   #9
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

401 It was snowing badly ?

a with dirt
b harmaaaay
c hardly
d thickly

402 What happens to the water at 32 F ?

a it freezes
b it boils
c it is heated
d nothing remarkable

403 Who takes care when you have a trouble with your car ?

a painter
b mechanic
c dentist
d repair shop

404 He is interested ________ photography

a for
b with
c in
d on

405 He was bored _______ studying English

a in
b with
c of
d on

406 Neither father nor Mary smokes

a She doesn't smoke
b He doesn't smoke
c They don't smoke
d They smoke

407 Both Mary and Sue speak Spanish

a They don't speak Spanish
b They speak Spanish
c She doesn't speak Spanish
d She speaks Spanish and English

408 Both Mary and Sue drink coffee Who drinks coffee?

a Mary or Sue
b Mary in Sue
c Sue with Mary
d Mary and Sue

409 Neither father ___________ mother sleeps

a nor
b or
c and
d with

410 Neither Ira nor I __________

a smoke
b smoken
c smoking
d weren't smoking

411 Both you and I ________

a smokes
b smoke
c smoking
d was smoking

412 The airplanes fly ______ one continent ________ another less than 24

a to - and from
b from - to
c over - in
to – over

413 The bank is near the Post Office

a close to
b next to
c closed to

414 There were many things behind the house

a on the side of
b in the front of
c in the back of
d on opposite of

415 He was used to _________ coffee

a drink
b drinks
c have
d having

416 Using the electricity makes people have more _____________

a money
b leisure time
c property
d salary

417 The police officer said "Pull over your car"

a stop
b decrease your speed
c slow down
d have another car pulled

418 There was a minute particle in it

a a hand
b tidy
c 60 seconds
d tiny
419 Flammable liquids must be kept in ________ containers

a close
b closer
c closed
d closing

420 They must be kept in safe places

a helded
b stored
c had
d protested

421 I am tired ______ reading that book

a of
b with
c from
d in

422 What should you do when the teacher asks you a question?

a write it down
b record it
c answer it
d erase it

423 What is the air we breathe?

a a blue gas
b several gases together
c gases containing water
d a compound

424 He has much time to do the work

a none
b little time
c a lot of time
d very time

425 He has a pain in his waist

a rigth at the stomach
b below his stomach
c in his foot
d in his ankle

426 He lost one of his grand parents

a his father's mother
b his father who is 90
c his brother's father
d his father

427 He wasn't alert in the class this morning

a He wasn't sleepy
b He was careful
c He was sleepy
d He couldn't sleep

428 He was eager to eat big dinner

a In the cafeteria
b He has a good appetite
c at four o'clock
d bread and meat

429 You should contact with your instructor

a touch with your instructor
b forget your instructor
c get in touch with your instructor
d remember your instructor

430 They were blinking the light

a turning the light on
b turning the light off
c turning the light to the right and left
d turning the light off and on

431 They have the key to the right room

a correct
b large
c opposite on the left
d wrong

432 They have three rooms available

a There were three rooms at the hotel
b There were three clerks at the hotel
c Three rooms are ready to be used
d Three rooms are aaaa with customers

433 He was punctual at the school

a never came late
b absent
c always late to class
d unusual student

434 They canceled the meeting at 4:30

a called it off
b called for it
c called about it
d called in for it

435 Post office was quite a distance from school

a beside
b close to
c far away
next to

436 He tore his suit while playing

a made a paint in it
b made a hole in it
c made a dirt in it
d made a stitch in it

437 He failed on the test

a made a good score
b missed few question
c his score was unsatisfactory
d received help on the exam

438 It was cloudy last night But it cleared up this morning , didn't it?

a It got worse yesterday
b The clouds went away last night
c It was clear last night
d It was cloudy but clouds went away

439 When it is hailing we say the weather is _______

a stormy
b bathy
c harvesty
d sunny day

440 They intend to go to USA next year

a wish to
b plan to
c hope
d want

441 American food tastes ________ when one gets used to it

a better
b very best
c more good
d more best

442 He told his son to turn the TV on If he ____

a should want
b would want
c want
d wanted to

443 If I had more time , I _____ him a letter

a have written
b had written
c would have written
d would write

444 The trouble ___________ by the mechanics

a was located
b locates
c was to located
d was locating

445 They __________ since two o'clock

a are waiting here
b wait here
c has waited here
d have waited here

446 I have been in this school _____________

a for six weeks
b since six weeks
c while six weeks
to six weeks

447 How do you check a performance of a new car?

a by looking at it
b by driving it
c by paying for it
d by repairing it

448 We are having beautiful weather this February but a month ago we had snow

a We had snow in January
b We had snow in March
c We had snow in December
d We have beautiful weather every month
449 I can't go with you _____ I'm busy

a because
b but
c until
d because of

450 How far is it to the school?

a four minutes
b near the Post office
c six miles
d far away to school

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

Eski 11-04-2012   #10
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

451 Where do we get money order?

a at the bank
b at the finance office
c at the post office
d at the school

452 After seeing the dog I feared

a dreamed
b dreaded
c delayed
d depressed

453 He took the flower __________ the table

a for
b off
c from
d with

454 Do you mind ___________ the window?

a to open
b opening
c opened
d to be opened

455 The molecules are far apart

a close each other
b away from each other
c next to each other
d right to each other

456 They sent the books by means of air mail

a avion
b avia
c via
d vie

457 I would go to the movies ıf I ____ time

a was
b were
c have
d had

458 Can you get resume of the book?

a assume control
b begining
c summary
d title

459 What is your main aim to study English ?

a profit
b benefit
c goal
d idea
460 You can realize the main point when you study that book

a understand
b solve
c to know
d become aware

461 We depend on rubber for its so many uses

a count on
b need
c supply
d rely

462 Did the mechanic find out the trouble

a discovered
b forecast
c locate
d repair

463 You need poor copper to do that

a mixed
b unmixed
c well-off
d straighten

464 Babies need pure milk to grow

a mixed
b unmixed
c watery
d unwatery

465 No matter how difficult situation becomes I will stand by you

a represent
b support
c wait for
d listen to

466 Air takes up space in the atmosphere

a starts
b occupies
c shortens
d stirs

467 It is the yellow big building next to the bank

a besides
b at
c beside
d toward

468 He wants to give up smoking

a quit
b insist
c take up
d think trough

469 Why don't you cut down on expenses

a cut in to pieces
b raise
c isolate
d reduce

470 The judge fined him 15 dollars for speeding

a rewarded
b for gave
c punished
d halted

471 He must make up for the damage he could

a invent
b catch up on
c alter
d compensate

472 I don't know how to deal with a situation like this

a count on
b handle
c comprehend
d communicate

473 The electrical system furnishes the electric

a provides
b produces
c gain
d holas

474 He struggled against adverse circumstance

a misfortune
b unfavorable
c favorable
d friendly

475 You should go over some of the points

a review
b continue
c memorize
d replace

476 My watch is fast It gains 7 minutes everday

a needs
b becomes
c requires
d acquires

477 Don't release the lever yet

a let out
b return
c regulate
d extend

478 Can you keep up the home now you have best your job

a preserve
b escape
c maintain
d go over

479 The Red Cross sent relief to the flood victims

a aid
b free
c reduction
d A worry and excuse

480 ____________ problems have solutions

a No all
b Not many
c Not all
d No many

481 The damage is so _____ that you hardly notice it

a great
b slight
c specific
in vain

482 They don't know how to read or write They are ______

a little educated
b illiterate
c weak

483 There is a relation between nutrition and ______

a growth
b confidence
c breathing

484 It was ______ dull speech that I fell asleep

a so
b such
c such a
d very

485 He would be thinking of home ıf he _________

a were
b was
c had been
d is being

486 We watched the bus _________ away

a went
b go
c gone
d goes

487 When his father died he _______ the businness

a put out
b give up
c put in
d give out

490 The aircraft _______ on the flight line

a is being flied
b looks like
c are
d runs

491 I would rather go downtown ______ here

a to stay
b than stay
c to staying
d that staying

492 _______ about you, before I heard of the accident you had

a I have been thinking
b I will have been thinking
c I have already thought
d I had been thinking

493 I haven't seen him since ______

a yesterday
b today
c five days
d two days ago

494 He is a capable driver in the family

a efficient
b progress
c excellent
d homework

495 If you have a question lift your hand

a raise
b eliminate
c left
d sharp

496 The ship discharged her load yesterday

a declared
b unloaded
c disappeared
d changed

497 He certainly did his job well

a by means of sure
b by no means
c anything
d without any doubt

498 He helped him some money for present

a contributed
b recovered
c left
d quarreled

499 The company hired him

a He doesn't work with the company
b He is employed by the company
c He works for the goverment
d he is used to working

500 I ran into a letter while cleaning the drawers

a I found it unexpectedly
b It was torn
c I cleaned the letter
d It turned down

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

Eski 11-04-2012   #11
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

501 He felt that there must be a difference

a sensed
b forget
c destroy
d remembered

502 He put some money in the bank

a deposited
b lacked
c gained
d dropped

503 I took the necessary things with me

a free
b optional
c probable
d required

504 He obeyed all the orders he was given

a created
b celebrated
c followed
d wrote down

505 He was on a sick call this morning

a He was present
b He was in class
c He was ill
d He wasn't ill

506 Brass is a compound :-):-):-):-)l

a satisfactory
b curreint
c complicated
d a mixture of two

507 When seven is subtracted from ten, the result is ______

a 17
b 70
c 3
508 If you work 8 hours a day it makes _____ hours for a week

a 48
b 56
c 40
d 32

509 You can avoid allisions _______

a we took any actions
b took any actions
c by taking many actions
d to take many actions
510 He can't find the money ıf you _________

a hid the money
b hided the money
c hide the money
d to hide the money

511 I would give you a letter ıf I __________

a receive it
b received it
c had received it
d had had received it

512 I will _______ by your house tomorrow at this time

a be driving
b drive
c drove
d driven

513 When you multiply 5 (by) 3 , it's _____

a 2
b 8
c 15
d 25

514 They went home after the game ended

a played
b terminated
c agreed
d defended

515 Jane looks like her mother

a likes
b cares for
c looks after
d resembles

516 They came back home hastily

a quickly
b slowly
c careaaaay
d watchaaaay

517 While we were going to town, we ran out of gas

a had no gasoline
b met at the gas station
c a lot of gasoline
d some exhausts

518 He is not familiar ________ that new word

a with
b to
c at
d from

519 Scales are used for ____________

a to weigh objects
b weight objects
c much weight
weighing objects

520 Mary___________when I saw her

a studies
b was studying
c is studying
d has been studying

521 Please have MrBrown____________me tonight

a call
b calls
c calling
d to call

522 I haven't got the tickets, __________

a but
b although
c though
d on the other hand

523 Which system deals with breathing?

a circulatory system
b respiratory system
c skeletal system
d digestive system

524 You should keep studying hard from now on

a continue
b finish
c leave
d stop

525 You should call the doctor______________

a injured at once
b in case of injuries
c to hunt him
d help him in any case

526 Why do they prevent them ______ forming a nation

a for
b from
c to
d not

527 Who caused George __________ ?

a pay back
b give back
c give up
d to pay it back

528 She has got the repairman ___________

a have it fixed
b to have it fix
c to have it fixed
d to having it fix

529 Passengers should __________of cars

a not aware
b conscious
c be aware
d not be ware

530 Your passport is expired, sir

a cancel
b cross out
c stay away
d invalid

531 Many things in this area are immune

a immovable
b protected
c impartial
d imminent
532 _____________ is a natural beauty

a for watching a free animal
b to watch a free animal
c Watching a free animal
d Watched a free animal

533 I' d rather ____________________

a watching TV to sleep
b watching TV to sleeping
c watch TV than sleep
d watch TV to sleep

534 This book has been __________ in the meeting

a mention
b mentioning
c mentions
d mentioned

535 Oxygen and CO are the _______________of air

a two :-):-):-):-)ls
b few gases
c gaseous dust
d two ingredients

536 Each division itself is a _______ unit

a through
b complete
c all
d entirely

537 Would you mind _____________ the window

a opened
b open
c opening
d my open

538 Electricity has gone There must be ___________

a no current
b circuit
c short circuit
d electro magnet

539 What is rain and snow ?

a humidity
b moisture
c precipitation
d prescription

540 Air is neither solid ___________

a or liquid
b nor a gas
c nor a liquid
d either a liquid

541 What is the force which attracts objects towards the centre of the earth?

a gravity
b orbit
c surforce
d revolution

542 The passengers on the plane depend on the pilot

a The passengers didn't count on the pilot
b They rely on the pilot's skill
c The pilot was very skillful
d It was a very skillful plan

543 Jonh recovered from an illness

a He discovered an illness
b He has been seriously ill
c He didn't find out anything
d He is fine now

544 MrBrown refused to help us ski

a He didn't help us
b He settled the occasion
c We regretted to take ski lesson
d We had no refuse

545 She failed because of lack of studying

a She won't study hard
b She didn't study hard
c She doesn't study hard
d She was ill

546 You should oil the machine in order to make it operate well

a The machine isn't operating well
b We expect the machine to operate well
c The machine might operate well
d We should take care of the machine well

547 Natural and artificial light come from the sun directly or indirectly

a The energy of the match comes from the sun
b The sun has a lot of energy
c The match burns because it has energy
d The sun contains energy

548 Mary and Sue are hungry

a Many people are hungry
b There is little food
c They are starving
d Many of them are ill

549 The police suppressed the riot

a surplused
b enlarged
c held back
d supported

550 The judge can hardly hear the defendant

a He doesn't hear him
b He hears him hard
c He defends himself
d He hears the defendant difficultly

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

Eski 11-04-2012   #12
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

551 I shouldn't have told him the truth

a I told him the truth
b I didn't tell him the truth
c Should I tell him the truth ?
d I shouldn't tell him the truth

552 He didn't respect us intentionally

a He intended to respect us
b He intentionally respect us
c He didn't respect us intentionally
d His intention was unknown

553 Mary is fifteen and so John is

a Mary isn't as young as John
b Mary is as young as John
c George is older than Mary
d John is older than Mary

554 I opened the door to go to the mess hall when Mary saw me

a I left the school
b I was about to leave
c I was on that point
d The door was open

555 I was in Istanbul for ten days last month

a I was there ten days ago
b I spent my time in İstanbul
c I stayed there ten days
d I stayed there less ten days

556 The truck will be loaded with the equipment on the ship which was sent by the company

a The truck will convert the equipment
b The conversation will be done by the truck
c The ship will be loaded by the truck
d The truck will transport the equipment

557 Many people are being killed in traffic accidents everyday

a People are engaged in car accidents
b People cause car accidents daily
c Car accidents are involved by people
d People are supported daily by accident

558 They lost the enemy because of the fog

a The fog was slippery
b The boot was under the fog
c The enemy disappeared
d The cover was foggy

559 He was surprised with the money he was paid

a He was working hard
b He was satisfied with the money
c He found the money less than he expected
d They paid him monthly

560 The area was deserted by the enemy

a descended
b derived
c joined
d abandoned

561 There is a ring around the moon

a square
b satelite
c circle
d mountain

563 Which country is located to the North of USA ?

a Texas
b Mexico
c Canada
d New York

564 I have trouble _________ my car

a starter
b started
c starting
d to start

565 What is berth on the train ?

a a place to eat food
b a place to sleep in
c a place to sit on
d a place to put your baggage

566 That building is the __________ in the city

a higher
b highest
c most highest
d more higher

567 The weather was so bad that we _______

a shouldn't fly
b may fly
c can't fly
d couldn't fly

568 We don't get used to new foods very quickly

a find money for
b forget
c be accustom to
d become accustomed to

569 There are four main ways to travel in the US

a fast
b cheap
c principal
d different

570 Adam's blue shirt is just as mine

a He has a new shirt
b He wants my shirt
c My shirt is blue
d He has my shirt on

571 Mary usually turns in late

a hands in
b turns off
c comes to class
d goes to bed

572 The injured man passed out

a died
b fainted
c passed away
d recovered from

573 The instructor wanted the students to turn in their papers in two minutes

a look over
b hand in
c turn over
d study

574 Keep your eyes on that man

a take part in him
b take after him
c take care of him
d take charge of him

575 The contract ________ by this time

a will sing
b will have singed
c will have been singed
d have been singed

576 This building needs to _______ repaired

a painting
b be
c got
d make

577 I am interested ______ meeting your friend

a in
b on
c with
d for

578 Would it be better to buy a new radio instead of _______ to repair it?
a try
b trying
c buying
d to buy

579 I am afraid I ________ a mistake

a do
b did
c made
d make

580 John isn't as fast now _______ he was

a while
b when
c as
d that
581 The man wouldn't carry _______ the orders

a on
b out
c off
d of

582 A dime is ______ ten cents

a value
b worthy
c valuable
d worth

583 There is a ring around the moon

a cycle
b circle
c encircle
d cylinder

583 What color is your uniform?

a thick
b long
c red
d tind

585 If I teach Algebra, what do I teach?

a science
b chemistry
c mathematics
d geometry

586 Tom operates a service station

a runs
b owns
c delivers
d stops

587 I wanted to change the design of the house

a size
b color
c plan
d shape

588 The explosion was instantaneous

a quickly
b in a while
c briefly
d in that instant

589 The action was instantaneous

a soon
b immediately
c not long after
d shortly

590 A television set which is very compact is________

a a very small set
b a set that is closely put together
c a low set
d a tiny set

591 Some people prefer a compact car

a a small car
b a medium-sized car
c a large car
d a used car

592 Bosses do not like the people who are idle

a bussy
b slow
c sick
not busy

593 The factory is idle now

a in good condition
b not completed
c not ready for use
d not in use

594 This product has many applications

a designs
b codes
c uses
d defects

595 Tom was told to cut down on his smoking

a reduce
b quit
c increase
d buy

596 I don't have the solution to that trouble

a answer
b problem
c truth
d reason

597 He was told to attach a copy of orders

a fold
b fasten
c copy
d take a copy

598 The commander told him to carry out the instructions

a pick up
b read
c follow
d copy

599 Your car is comparable to mine

a is better than
b is smaller than
c is similar to
is older than

600 The first two digits of the amount were unclear

a letters
b desings
c numbers
d codes

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

Eski 11-04-2012   #13
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

601 We're told to work it out ourselves

a study
b solve
c copy
d do

602 What is a laboratory?

a a learning center
b a research room
c a testing room
d a medical building

603 We thoroughly enjoyed the movie
a barely
b among
c aaaay
d completely

604 We were already aboard the plane

a beside
b near
c in or on
d off

605 What do you do when you depart?

a arrive
b leave
c enter
d go back

606 He was told numerous times not to drive fast

a more
b additional
c extra
d many
607 You should take over while I'm on vacation

a assume control
b catch up on
c change
d carry out

608 I need some accurate information

a sure
b close
c excellent
d precise

609 The recorder had many defects

a things worked right
b interesting things
c dull things
d things did not work right

610 I didn't know when it would be completed

a constructed
b finished
c continued
d worked out

611 He got through with part of the job

a worked
b stopped
c completed

612 I want to examine the records

a look up
b look up to
c look in
d look over

613 The can of milk was leaking

a breaking
b falling
c dripping
d getting wet

614 He needs to find the initial letter he wrote

a last
b first
c old
d new

615 The young boy floated

a swam
b drowned
c didn't sink
d dived

616 He was to construct a bridge

a finish
b get across
c build
d desing
617 The commander rejected the first plan

a didn't like
b enjoyed
c didn't accept
d favored

618 I am in training business What do I do?

a I teach
b I travel
c I repair
d I coustruct

619 Jack ______ at the airport

a meets
b met
c will meet
d will be met

620 Do you know how much ______?

a milk cost here
b costs milk
c milk costs
d milk cost

621 He keeps _________ his old friends

a in with touching
b touch in with
c in touch with
d with in touch

622 "Lay off" means ________ at

a take
b make
c come down
d stop

623 It's unsafe to drive with ______ breakes

a defect
b defected
c defective
d defection

624 How many students ________ in class

a was
b there were
c was there
d were there

625 The nurse ________ is my sister

a when you saw
b where you saw
c you saw
d what you saw

626 What is the last month of a year?

a january
b december
c february
d november

627 The pilot landed his plane

a board on his plane
b crashed his plane
c take his plane off
d brought his plane down

628 He often uses dictonary

a looks into words
b looks up to words
c looks up words
looks for words

629 I put the book some where

a place
b table
c shelf
d what

630 I was informed that I'll be in class

a noticed
b notified
c realized
d shaped

631 Some things are rigid in position

a stick
b solid
c stiff
d stone

632 Why don't you try that gradually?

a one by one
b one after another
c quickly
d little by litle

633 I must be there twelve sharp

a exactly at 12:00
b by twelve o'clock
c until 12:00 noon
d 12:00 pm

634 He came here the day before yesterday

a in two days
b two days before
c two days ago
d after two days

635 I'll be there in a few minutes

a several
b five
c many
d not many

636 I put a notice on the bulletin board

a address
b marked
c announcement
d advicement

637 Who made her so angry?

a weak
b mad
c maid
d annoy

638 Coffee is stimulating I ___________ coffee

a ought to like
b would like
c might like
d must like

639 A tape measure is used to measure __________

a heights between distances
b weights
c distance
d liquids

640 There was a crowd there at noon

a many cars
b many trees
c many people
d many traffic
641 When are you going to give up smoking

a begin
b put out
c put off
d surrender

642 When he got home he _______ receive a cheek

a may
b can
c will
d might

643 They didn't have __________ to do

a anything
b something
c nothing
d some one

644 Propeller rotates on its axis

a turns
b breaks
c comes
d comes around

645 There were a number of students in lab

a many
b a few
c several
d much

646 It was equipped with furniture

a bought
b painted
c crowded
d furnished

647 I doubt he went to class

a am sure
b am not certain
c feel
d think
648 He was sinking very slowly

a going down
b going up
c swimming
d flonting

649 He studied English ________ a language school

a into
b at
c from
d on

650 He took the flowers ________ the table

a upon
b on
c in
d from(off)

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

Eski 11-04-2012   #14
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

651 The machine was out of order

a running well
b not running
c operating
d operated

652 When did she give you a ring?

a calkapse
b visit
c telephone
d call down

653 John mailed me a package last month

a sent
b wrote
c bought
d viad

654 the class will be over at 6 o'clock

a ended
b got through
c finish
d start

655 This hotel room is very convenient

a expensive
b cheap
c used
d handy

656 Which subjects did you take up this year?

a pass
b study
c slender
d select

657 It was a very narrow passage way

a wide
b long
c height
d not wide

658 I sometimes go there by bus

a often
b occasionally
c usually
d most of the time

659 He was not guilty of the charge

a innocent
b anonymous
c paid
not paid

660 You should carry on your studies

a continue
b memorize
c take notes
d do

661 Can I count on you? Yes I am _________

a independable
b independed
c depended
d dependable

662 There was a sharp and knife wind The weather was________

a hot
b cold
c rain
d sunny

663 Every body _______ money to new organization

a has contribute
b have contributed
c has contributed
d has contributance

664 There was a lot of water in the air The weather has ______ in it

a dust
b humidity
c wind
d oxygen
665 Jane contributes in sport activities

a she plays games
b she watches games
c she likes games
d she helps games

666 It is a secret between you and _______

a I
b me
c they
d he

667 The chairs are in back of the building

a behind
b in the
c out of
d next to

668 He was always punctual at school

a late
b early
c on time
d sick

669 Chin is a part of your _________

a face
b leg
c chist
d arm

670 I have attended class for a long time

a for an extended time
b for a short while
c for a while long
d for instance

671 He slammed on the brakes

a put on face
b put the brakes down suddenly
c slightly pushed
d released

672 A meter is a measure of ________

a long
b distance
c thermometer
d kilometer

673 We do ______ in books and newspapers

a to read
b read
c reading
d readed

674 An airplane may give a ______ to a number of persons

a lift
b life
c ticket
d seats

675 Some persons have a ____ of things which are of no danger to them
a sense
b shame
c reaction
d fear

676 If you let the wing of the airplane touch the side of the building you may ________

a damage
b do damage
c did damage
d demolishing
677 We must always show ______ to our parents

a example
b reward
c award
d respect

678 A city's parks are ______ property

a public
b private
c prison
d proper

679 He goes to the library ______ he is in the city

a however
b whenever
c whoever
d whatever

680 "Wise" and "foolish" have _______ different meanings

a completely
b expertly
c privately
d usually

681 She was in the room by ________

a him
b me
c herself
d myself

682 A man with children is a _______

a mother
b father
c brother
d waitress

683 Parents are _______ than their children

a mine young
b younger
c more younger
d older

684 Mary has only _____ uniform

a some
b an
c a
d a few

685 Mary met a _______ gentleman

a pretty
b beautiful
c lovely
d handsome

686 I counted fifty ______ in the room

a people
b peoples
c person
d student

687 Student pilots are usually very ________ to fly

a alert
b meagre
c eager
d careful

688 He is __________ aircraft maintenance

a in change of
b in charge of
c in place of
d in group of

689 Discipline is _______ in military life

a impossible
b necessary
c determined
d remarkable

690 In what direction do the ______ winds blow

a prevail
b prevalent
c prevalented
d prevailing

691 I thought It was a very uninteresting and _____ film I saw last night

a exciting
b interesting
c boring
d sharp

692 He is _______ to be careless with his new car

a able
b ought
c apt
d like

693 He is not relaxed at the wheel

a efficient
b tense
c sensitive
d careful

694 I can't feel anything My fingers are _____ with cold

a freeged
b numb
c cold
d hot

695 It is dangerous to _______ the speed limit in a city

a exert
b except
c expect
d exceed

696 The pilot has to _______ his instrument for flying

a depend
b rely to
c rely on
d dependent

697 A scientific theory is _______ on facts

a relied
b counted
c charged
d based

698 The wind ______ is 30 mph

a speed
b blows
c blow
d hits

699 The back part of the shoe is the ______

a hill
b heel
c hell

700 One $10 bill and ten $ 1 bills are of _____ buying value

a equality
b equalance
c equal
d equaled

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

Eski 11-04-2012   #15
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

1000 Soruluk Vocabulary Testi

701 He likes to read cartoons in the newspaper

a ads
b stories
c news
d classified

702 He used an electric grinder to _________

a sharpen the tool
b drive a nail
c screw a screwdriver
d clean the tool

703 The hail last night made a serious damage

a a heavy rain
b a piece of ice
c an aircraft crash
d an accident

704 I occasionally go to the movies

a then and after
b usually
c three times a day
d now and then

705 We use hammers to ________

a drive a car
b cut the :-):-):-):-)l
c drive a screw
d drive a nail

706 There were approximately 20 teachers

a over than 20
b more over than 20
c less than 15
d about 20
707 He dreads to speak in public

a has an opportunity
b has a fear
c has an ability
d doesn't afraid

708 There was a flammable liquid in the tank

a something heavy
b something easly runs
c something burns easily
d something explodable

709 We had a sudden snacks before we left

a big
b small
c quick
d light

710 I got a surprise present last night

a expectable
b unexpectable
c expecting
d inexpected

711 I bought a new car recently

a before
b now and then
c every 5 years

712 What is the opposite of *******

a crosswind
b headwind
c northwind
d frontwind

713 He always follows the *******

a news about sports
b news about schools
c advertisements
d articles

714 John checked the steering checking the rubbers

a wheelings
b doors
c steering wheels
d tires

715 He has a talent of telling stories

a stories about music
b ability
c stability
d determination

716 He has to see the doctor immediatelly

a right now
b in a minute
c at once
d immediate

717 Is there any telephone both ?

a a place to sit
b a thing for walking
c a small enclosure
a small enclosed

718 What is a hunting permit?

a A place where you can hunt
b an animal which you can hunt
c a license you use for hunting
d a vehicle you use for hunting

719 Students ought to pay attention to their inmates

a listen careaaaay
b believe deeply
c love all the time
d do their homework darly

720 Officials may be removed from the office

a remounted
b rejected
c dismissed
d disposal

721 He used a telescope to ___________

a have a close view
b see the general
c get the idea of ceremony
d see the small insects

722 John is going to work in technıcal area
He needs ___________

a much money
b special skill
c a secratery
d some training

723 I would like to know the capacity of this tank

a how well it is built
b how much water it holds
c the material it is made
d how strong it is

724 He arranged to go to Mexico next summer

a adjusted
b attached
c admitted
d planned

725 Why does he have to study much ?

a ought to
b should
c must
d need to

726 We couldn't find any seats in the restaurant

a foods
b chairs
c waiters
d plates

727 Hail and sleet are ___________ of water

a iced forms
b iced form
c icy forms
d ice forms

728 I turned in late last night

a admitted
b submitted
c gave back
d went to bed

729 Mr Adam is a skillful driver, on the other hand, MrBrown is a careless driver

a They are both careless driver
b They are both skillful driver
c MrAdam is a careless driver
d Unlike MrAdam, MrBrown is a careless driver

730 They work " just like a machine"

a as an expensively built machine
b like an automobile
c as a complete unit
d like a strong animal

731 You can attach these two ends together by using pliers

a bend
b fasten
c operate
d arrange

732 I would have bought a new shirt If I'd gone to İstanbul

a He bought a new shirt
b He went to İstanbul
c He didn't buy a new shirt
d He went tto İstanbul and bought a new shirt

733 You can pick out the one you like best
a choose
b chose
d choice
c chosen

734 We had a cloudburst last night

a a lot of clouds in the sky
b a lot of sunshine
c a lot of precipitation
d a lot of rain suddenly
735 He operates a filling station

a sells
b runs
c works
d walks

736 Mary is 15 , Jane is older Alice is the oldest of all

a Jane is the youngest
b Jane is older than Alice
c Alice is older than Mary
d Jane is older than Mary and Alice

737 My book is ________ that one

a as old as
b so old as
c the same
d as old as

738 The car you have is _________ this one

a the same as
b same as
c as the same as
d not so the same as

739 Who's going to take this one off?

a need to
b ought to
c will
d has to

740 Henry checked out the hotel early this morning

a registered
b left
c controlled
went to

741 He got all the food from the basket

a put the food in
b took the food out
c cooked the food on the basket
d selected the food from the basket

742 My wife has been sick, though

a illness
b ailment
c patient
d ill

743 This machine must have a malfunction

a is working well
b is in good condition
c is not working
d is not clean

744 Sally is able to swim every summer

a may
b can
c ought to
d likely to

745 Your mother is always in a hurry
a rushing
b nervous
c relaxed
d at ease

746 Before I finish my homework, I must finish drinking my coffee

a continue
b fix
c quit
d quite

747 You should go over your notes before exam

a run over
b reviev
c examine
d take notes

748 The sailors had to abandon then ship

a leave
b left
c right
d paint

749 Jane wants to take part in sports

a contest
b compete
c play
d participate

750 The books were taken by the students

a They checked the books
b They got the books
c They bought the students' books
d They bought by the students

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla
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