Incubus - Stellar

Eski 02-21-2009   #1

Incubus - Stellar

Meet me in outerspace
We could spend the night, watch the earth come up
I've grown tired of that place, wont you come with me
We could start again
How do you do it, make me feel like I do
How do you do it, its better than I ever knew
Meet me in outerspace
I will hold you close, If your afraid of heights
I need you to see this place, It might be the only way
That I can show you how, it feels to be inside of you
How do you it, make me feel like I do
How do you do it, its better than I ever knew
How do you do it, make me feel like I do
Do oh oh oh oh oh
You are stellar
You are stellar
How do you do it, make me feel like I do
How do you do it, its better than I ever knew
How do you do it, make me feel like I do
How do you do it, make me feel like I do, Yeah

Sen gelemesende kokunu gönder
İçim dışım sen koksun
Sensiz uyuduğum her gece
Rüyalarıma gel
Umutlarıma gel
Süsle yine

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla
Üye olmanıza kesinlikle gerek yok !

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