Henry Moore Notlar

Eski 08-20-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Henry Moore Notlar


* Deaths England and Wales 1984-2006
* "Chronology" Henry Moore Enstitüsü, Leeds 22 Eylül 2008'de erişilmiştir
* Grohmann, 16
* Grohmann, 15
* Moore, Henry; Beckett, Jane; Russell, Fiona "Henry Moore" Ashgate, 2003 ISBN 0-7546-0836-0
* Wilkinson, Alan G "Henry Moore: Writings and Conversations" University of California Press, 2002 41 ISBN 0-520-23161-9
* "Henry Moore" Museum of Modern Art, 2007
* Allemand-Cosneau, Claude; Fath, Manfred, Mitchinson, David "Henry Moore" Nantes: Mus'ee des Beaux Arts, 1996 63 ISBN 3-7913-1662-1
* "Henry Moore: Biography 1916-1925" Henry Moore Foundation
* Cork, Richard "Art Beyond the Gallery in Early 20th Century England: In Early 20th Century England" Yale University Press, 1985 249 ISBN 0-300-03236-6
* Read, Herbert Henry Moore sculptor Modernism 101
* Grohmann, 30
* "Seven and Five Society" Tate Britain
* "Insight at end of the Tunnel" Tate Modern
* Kuskov, Sergei "Henry Moore" Praeger, 1973 83 ISBN 0-87587-054-6
* Beckett et al, 96
* Beckett et al, 6
* "Henry Moore" Visual Arts Department, British Council
* Wilkinson, 275
* "Lot 9, Sale 1994: Family Group" Christie's, 06 Mayıs 2008
* "Moore, Henry" UNESCO
* Anthony Caro Tate exhibition catalogue, 2005
* Wentworth tateorguk
* 3:36 pm, December 2, 1967 In: McNally, Rand "Illinois; Guide & Gazetteer" Illinois Sesquicentennial Commission University of Virginia, 1969 199
* Beckett et al, 221
* Sachs, Robert G "Henry Moore, sculptor" In "The Nuclear Chain Reaction-Forty Years Later" Şikago Üniversitesi
* Enscripted on the plaque at the base of the sculpture
* Chamot, Mary; Farr, Dennis; Butlin, Martin "Henry Moore" "The Modern British Paintings, drawings and Sculpture", Volume II London: Oldbourne Press, 1964 481
* Kennedy, Maev "A hush falls over Henry Moore country" The Guardian, 22 Nisan 1999
* "The Bronze Age" Tate Magazine, Issue 6, 2008
* Chamot, Mary; Farr, Dennis; Butlin, Martin "Henry Moore OM, CH " From The Modern British Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, London 1964, II Reproduced at Tateorg Retrieved on 21 August 2008
* "JMW Turner" Turner Society
* "Turner Collection" Tate Gallery
* Bowcott, Owen (19 aralık 2005) "Lorry used to steal a£3m Moore sculpture found on housing estate" 'The Guardian' 2009-06-09 tarihinde erişilmiştir
* "a£3m Henry Moore sculpture stolen" BBC News Online (17 December 2005) 2009-06-09 tarihinde erişilmiştir
* a b Causey, 34
* Morris, Frances "Paris Post War: Art and Existentialism 1945-55" Tate Gallery, 1993 ISBN 1-85437-124-X
* "The Hole of Life" Tate Magazine, Issue 5, Autumn 2005
* Day, Elizabeth "The Moore legacy" The Observer, 27 July 2008
* McCave, Lesley "LA Graphic" ARTINFO, 31 July 2007
* "Large Arch" Bartholomew County Public Library
* Causey, 71
* Turner, Chris "Henry Moore", Tate Magazine, issue 6, July/August 2003
* Causey, 72
* Caro biography anthonycaroorg
* "Phillip King" sculptureorguk
* Isaac Witkin" The Times, 10 May 2006
* "The Bronze Age" Tate Magazine, Issue 6, 2008
* "Unfinished Business: Mark Wilsher on view from 26th July" Henry Moore Foundation, 2008

Kaynak : Wikipedia

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