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abba, dance, music

Abba - Dance (While The Music Still Goes On)

Eski 07-18-2008   #1

Abba - Dance (While The Music Still Goes On)

Oh, my love it makes me sad
Why did things turn out so bad?
Was it just a dream, everything we did, everything we had?

Baby, give me one more
Dance while the music still goes on
Don't think about tomorrow
Dance and forget our time is gone
Tonight's a night we borrow
Let's make it a memory, a night of our own
A thing to remember when we're all alone
So dance, it's our way to say goodbye

Yes, all we have to do is
Dance while the music still goes on
This is no time for crying
Dance, don't you hear them play our song
God knows that we've been trying
But we didn't make it 'cause nothing's the same
We just couldn't help it, nobody's to blame
So dance while the music still goes on
And let it be our last goodbye

Yet it seems to make me sad
Why did things turn out so bad?
Was is just a dream, everything we did, everything we had?

Baby, give me one last
Dance while the music still goes on
Just like the night I met you
Dance and believe me, when you're gone
You know I won't forget you
Our love was a snowbird, it's flying away
You tell me it's over, what more can I say?
So dance while the music still goes on
It's gonna be our last goodbye

Dance while the music still goes on
Don't think about tomorrow
Dance and forget our time is gone
Tonight's a night we borrow
Let's make it a memory, a night of our own
A thing to remember when we're all alone
So dance while the music still goes on
And let it be our last goodbye

Dance while the music still goes on
This is no time for crying
Dance, don't you hear them play our song
God knows that we've been trying
Dance while the music still goes on
Just like the night I met you
Dance and believe me, when you're gone
You know I won't forget you

Hakan Guven®
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