The Wailin Jennys - One Voice

Eski 08-13-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

The Wailin Jennys - One Voice

The Wailin Jennys - One Voice

This is the sound of one voice

One spirit one voice

The sound of one who makes a choice

This is the sound of one voice

This is the sound of voices two

The sound of me singing with you

Helping each other to make it through

This is the sound of voices two

This is the sound of voices three

Singing together in harmony

Surrendering to the mystery

This is the sound of voices three

This is the sound of all of us

Singing with love and the will to trust

Leave the rest behind it will turn to dust

This is the sound of all of us

This is the sound of one voice

One people one voice

A song for every one of us

This is the sound of one voice

This is the sound of one voice

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