Reo Speedwagon - Gotta Feel More

Eski 08-13-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Reo Speedwagon - Gotta Feel More

Reo Speedwagon - Gotta Feel More

I've never seen the sea seem so calm

I've never felt the breeze slippin' thru the trees

But now I've got you and it's takin so long

I wanna see more

I gotta feel more

I never felt young 'til I met you

Never felt fear 'til I thought about losin' you

Only a fool would think that it's all true

I wanna see more

I gotta feel more

I gotta feel more - more - more -

Than I've ever felt before

There are deeper places to explore

I've seen the world thru an eagle's eye

I've felt the ocean's roar

I still love you to the core

I just gotta feel more

I never did believe that mountains could move

Never did believe that the Yankees could lose

I never thought love could come my way

I wanna see more

I gotta feel more

I never felt young 'til I met you

Never felt fear 'til I thought about losin' you

Only a fool would think that it's all true

I wanna see more

I gotta feel more

I gotta feel more - more - more -

Than I've ever felt before

There are deeper places to explore

I've seen the world thru an eagle's eye

I've felt the ocean's roar

I still love you to the core

I just gotta feel more

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