Limbonic Art - A Demonoid Virute

Eski 08-13-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Limbonic Art - A Demonoid Virute

Higher higher burning fire

Unite with me in dark desire

Inflaming greed awakens to breed in me

The night has predatoral eyes

Drifting in a plae of disguise

Beneath the spelling moon

The spirit rises out of darkness

The spirit rises

Voices call for my soul

The cunning serpents kiss I taste

Baptised beside the ancient takes of

FIRE FIRE burning higher

Unite with me in dark desires

I perish in bliss of cruelty

Tormented souls will neverrest in peace

In the flames an omen blaze

Enforcing throught the cosmic haze

To cross the line and dare to glance

And enter cold void where death romances

In mysteries

In the flames an omen blaze

Enforcing throught the cosmic haze

To cross the line and dare to glance

And enter the cold void where death romances

In mysteries

O` raging fire enlighten me with sin

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla
Üye olmanıza kesinlikle gerek yok !

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