E-40 - Broccoli

Eski 08-13-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

E-40 - Broccoli

sung by Otis & Shug*

Let's get Sick Wid It baby

Sick Wid it baby yeahehyeahyeahehyeahhahah

Let's get Sick Wid It baby

Said I'm gonna get so Sick Wid It yeah

Said I'm gonna get highhhhh

I don't need no doctor I don't need no shrink

All I need is broccoli and a 40-oz to drink

Smokin that broccoli now takes me out

Smokin that broccoli now takes me out


While I was bullshittin

bitch tried to hit me upside the head with her shoe

Talin bout "Who the fuck you been doin it to?

Comin home always smellin like tuna fish and brew"

I said "Bitch if you don't get up outta my talkin face

I'ma slap you real tough-like

and I can almost rest assure you

that it ain't gon' be no pretty sight ugh"

24-7 3 sixty fin

I pull out my dick and spell my name in my piss

Shoot the hundred fool let's play for pink slips whatchu slammin?

That there shit across the street? That ugly ass gremlin?

Buy some sticky you got the pillow

Here go some Black'n'Mild style split it down the middle

What's that? That Oakland Crip? Nah it's that white widow

I was about to say cause they'd botha have your ass

up in the hospital check it out

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla
Üye olmanıza kesinlikle gerek yok !

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