Limbonic Art - The Ultimate Death Worship

Eski 08-13-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Limbonic Art - The Ultimate Death Worship

O'Darkness my master and mentor

Witness the blood I shed

Victorious dreamlike death I enter

Floating the streams so red

Destruction is the jewel of the black heart

To treat life as nothing holy

Hatred is the diamond in blasphemous art

As death you kiss infernally

Stare into the face of the creation of pain

Electric storming through the brain

Blackout drift away and you'll see

Night's divine anarchy

In death's eternal spell you'll be

Awake in lucid intervals from insanity

Bury the life deep down in the darkness

Extinction of lifeforce is a worship of death

Suicide is true cultivation of evil

As the phantom of the soul is obsessed

Ultimate Death Worship

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