Limbonic Art - The Black Hearts Nirvana

Eski 08-13-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Limbonic Art - The Black Hearts Nirvana

Hallowed be the darkness that coronates my soul

Deep within its shelter I seek my highest goals

I shall release what is conquered

From which that I now posses

All lifeforce is abandoned

Into the arms of death

Beyond the great dark adventures

In streams from the vast mysteries

Limbonic spheres enclose me

My star is the death of memories

I dwell in a mournful symphony

As I prepare for the cosmic funeral

The body yearns for dormancy

My spirit awaits to be set free

The black vanity I'm romancing

Within the obscurity

I've found my rest where cold emotions reign

And evil dreams of desultory

Through lifetime I've reached for the candle

In search for the legends of time

Cause how many moments is'nt a century

When everything dies behind the eyes

Cause how many moments is'nt a century

When everything inside just dies

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