Limbonic Art - Behind The Mask Obscure

Eski 08-13-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Limbonic Art - Behind The Mask Obscure

In distance from the light I redeem my gloria

In darkness I have sights a high esteemed fantasia

In hellfire and damnation my undead soul walk the land

Throught the endless mist of time

I`m born ro darkened adventures retlaiated in lifes obscure

To seek vengance for my pains

To serve the hatred in my veins

In centuries I have wandered

With deaths shadows drifting faith¤¤¤¤y

In the darkest forests in mans domain

I rceived my strenght and sorcery

My demon search for a doorway to be free

For once again to desecrate the hearts serenity

Transcend mortality live throught eternally

And feast upon all misery

that is gathered here in life

In hellfire and damnation

my undead soul walk the land

Throught the endless mist of time

i`m born to darkened adventures

retailed in life obscure

Seasons they rise and fall

I have seen throught them all

With harsh evil prophecies

I gave birth to inhumanity

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla
Üye olmanıza kesinlikle gerek yok !

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