K0218 Marka Arctic Cooling

Eski 07-28-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

K0218 Marka Arctic Cooling

Daha etkili ve daha sessiz işte size AMD K8 ler için arctic cooling freezer 64 Şimdi yeni eklenen PWM özelliği ile beraber proAll AMD Sempron, Athlon 64, Athlon 64 X2
and Athlon 64 FX (Socket 754, 939, AM2)
All AMD Opteron
* İnanılmaz Sessiz
- Bilindiği gibi standart soğutucular 60 MM fan kullanıp işlemciyi soğutabilmek adına 3000-4000 RPM e kadar dönüş hızlarına çıkmaktadırlar ki bu da aşırı ses kirliliği demektir Fakat Arctic Cooling, 92 MM patentli hibrid yapısı sayesinde hem en düşük devirlerde stok fanın 3000 rpm lerde yakaladığı hava akımını hatta daha fazlasını yakalar hem de titreşimle oluşabilecek gürültüyü de özel yapısı sayesinde önlemi olur Böylelikle daha fazla hava akımını duyamayacağınız bir seste elde etmiş olursunuz
Patent No 203 07 981 U1 (Germany)
Patent No 10/834 232 (USA)

* Güçlü Soğutma
6 lı ısı borusu sistemi 200 Watt a kadar ısı transferini gerçekleştirir, yüksek hava akımına ek olarak gerçekleştirilen bu sistem günümüzün bildik soğutma sistemlerinin tersine fanlı+fansız soğutmayı birleştirerek fan ile sessiz ama yüksek hava akımı sağlarken bir yandanda ısı borusundaki özel soğutma bileşenleri ile sessizce fansız olarak işlemcinin soğutulmasına yardımcı olur Bir başka deyişle, işlemcinin ısısını yükselterek 92 MM fan sayesinde ısının atılmasının yanısıra işlemciye aynı zamanda soğuk bir pasif soğutma uygulamayıda sağlar Aşağıdaki resimde bu prensibin nasıl işlediği gösterilmektedir

* Voltaj Çeviricileririn Gelişmiş Isı Transferi

* Titreşim önleme
İşlemciyi soğuturken bilinen diğer tüm soğutma sistemlerinin aksine Arctic Coolinge özel titreşim önleyici siliko başlıklar sayesinde oluşabilecek titreşimlerde önlenmişolur ki işte tüm bu özellikler Arctic Coolingi dünyanın en sessiz ve perfomanslı fanlı+fansız soğutma olmasını sağlar
* Kolay Montaj
Arctic Soğutucu herhangi bir deneyim ya da teknik alet gerektirmeden herkesin olayca saniyeler içinde takabileceği biçimde geliştirilmiştir
* Uzun Kullanım Süresi
ARCTIC Seramik motor yapısı sayesinde tam 137 bin saat kullanım süresine sahiptir
Heat Sink

104 x 58 x 1265 mm


107 x 435 x 96 mm

Toplam Boyutlar

107 x 965 x 1265 mm

Ortalama Fan Hızı

900-2200 RPM (PWM)

Güç tüketimi

016 Amp

Kava Akımı

40 CFM / 68 m3/h


528 g

Maksimum Ses Seviyesi

08 Sone

Termal Rezistans


Thermal Interface Material

MX-1 Pasta önceden sürülü olarak gelmektedir!
Amd soket 754-939 (K8)- X2 Serileri ile AM2 serileriyle uyumludur

Virtual-Hideout Freezer 64 Pro
It's a great design with the heatpipes, the patented fan vibration absorption system and the easy installation replacing a stock cooler setup The Freezer 64 Pro is also very quiet with no noticeable noise over the other system components in my particular setup So to wrap this review up I think the Freezer 64 Pro is a great cooling heatsink and if you're having cooling problems o­n your AMD socket 939 cpu, it's worth the cash With a very respectable street price of around $35 USD, it's certainly worth a strong look for a solid cooler I personally really like the cooler and I can rest easy that my CPU is getting it's proper airflow

Master Player Freezer 64 Pro
We are in presence of o­ne of the more silent and efficient cooler that we can buy for our Athlon 64 With a cost of 350 pesos (34 US dollars) this is the cheapest high performance cooler we can find, and we dont mention awesome the 6-year warranty that Artic cooling provides for the product Thats why our Master Player Recommender Award was given to the product

DriverHeaven Freezer 64 Pro
Arctic Cooling have nailed it with this Cooler Great performance combined with near quiet operation Even at the increased fan speed the cooler is not very loud at all It also took another 5c off the idle temperature of my CPU I would not hesitate to recommend this to someone looking for a quiet cooling solution There is really nothing bad to say about the cooler although the huge size may be an issue for some

DoomedPC Freezer 64 Pro
This heatsink is by far o­ne of the nicest heatsinks Ive tinkered with, not o­nly does it perform well but its deadly silent too The most amazing thing about this heatsink though is the price, it can be had for as little as L15 and thats including shipping! What more could you ask for in a heatsink? It has to be said that this is the most silent heatsink I have ever used, almost as quiet as the watercooling I used to have Just to let you know how silent it is, I virtually had to turn off every other fan in my computer to hear it?its THAT quiet! I dont think Ive ever come across a heatsink with a price to performance ratio such as this Arctic Cooling has done a fantastic job with this heatsink and I hope they continue this trend, they have included everything needed in a heatsink for a more than generous price

Madshrimps Freezer 64 Pro
"Featuring easy installation, excellent out of the box performance and a very competitive price the new Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 Pro will be very popular with good reason!"

Hardwareoverclock Freezer 64 Pro
Der Freezer 64 Pro hat auf jeden Fall auch uns nicht enttäuscht Der 80 mm Lüfter mit2300 U/Min istsehrleiseDas hat man der speziellen Lüfterfertigung bei Arctic Cooling zu verdanken Die Montage war sehr einfach Bzgl Kompatibilität hat alles gut gepasst, da der Kühler keine Übergröße hatte Kleinere Details in der Optik und Verarbeitung wurden aber gut eingebunden Besonders positiv ist die gedämpfte Befestigung des Lüfters Die Kühlleistung war sehr gut, was von 80 mm Lüfter nicht immer der Fall istDer Kühler kann es locker mit 120 mm Modellen aufnehmen und auch zum Overclocking einsetzbar Vom Preis her ist der Lüfter günstig und trotzdem gut Na gut, das Ziel haben sich ja viele Hersteller gesetzt, nur haben es nicht alle erreicht Den Freezer 64 Pro kann man um rund 28,- Euro kaufen, was für die Kühlleistung sehr wenig ist Vergleichbare Kühler mit selber Leistung kosten oft 30,- Euro mehr
PureOverclock Freezer 64 Pro
Freezer 64 Pro is o­ne of the most impressive coolers available today and I wanted to make that clear from the get go Its not really hard to make a heatsink perform well if you pair it with a 7000 RPM, 60 db(a) fan, but it is difficult, extremely difficult to make a heatsink that can keep up with the performance leaders with a quiet, low RPM fan Arctic Cooling is now o­ne of the few manufacturers that can do this with absolute style With innovations such as the patented decoupled fan with cute away sides, six heat pipes and as many as 40 aluminium fins, it is o­ne of the best coolers o­n the market, and the fan?well its a special o­ne The great news is the Arctic Cooling is releasing these fans separately as case fans and they are going to be much cheaper than the other low noise fans out there The Freezer 64 Pro not o­nly hugely outperforms it at stock and with the overclock, but its does it with little to no noise I cant recommend this cooler enough

MadboxPC Freezer 64 Po
Only praises I can give him of this dissipator, has a quite acceptable weight for which it is, a very good yield in operation stock and with overclock, the ventilator that it includes is quiet and very pleasant It is of easy installation and it is not necessary to remove to the plate mother, a quite great extra for a dissipator with heatpipes Arctic Cooling has made a great work of design to diminish the levels of noise of its products and again they have obtained it with this cosmelling Definitively an excellent option at the time of choosing a good ventilator, since it has everything, is quiet and it evolves well, Arctic Cooling has again been surpassed when sending this to cosmell

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