Alexandrian School

Eski 07-22-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Alexandrian School

* 1Alexandrian School Alexandria flourished from the 4th century BC to the 7th AD, being a remarkable center of learning due to the blending of Greek and Oriental influences, its favorable situation and commercial resources, and the enlightened energy of some of the Macedonian Dynasty of the Ptolemies ruling over Egypt The Alexandrian school was formed of the Neoplatonist philosophers whose appearance marks the later outburst of Alexandrian culture and with them may perhaps be classed those Gnostic schools which originated there This philosophy is a characteristic presentation of parts of the archaic wisdom-religion, being derived from contact with India and with knowledge still then accessible in Egypt
English Related Words* absence from school
* adjutant general's school
* administration school
* advanced flying school
* aerial gunnery school
* agricultural boarding school
* agricultural school
* air command and staff school
* air tactical school
* alexandrian
* alexandrian laurel
* alexandrian library
* alexandrian senna
* antiaircraft artillery school
* apprenticeship school

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