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medicines, quit, smoking

[Langtitle=En]Quit Smoking Without Medicines[/Langtitle]

Eski 07-14-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

[Langtitle=En]Quit Smoking Without Medicines[/Langtitle]

[Lang = en] The advent of Science Provides a wide range of medication to help quit smoking But there are some [url = http://wwwmedquitcom] Natural ways to quit smoking [/ url] which are equally effective The choice of method depends on the smoker and his will-power Natural ways to Quit Smoking may be more effective for smokers who are most Determined to have a strong and self-control Cold Turkey method is the most famous natural way to quit smoking This method is not does involve the help of any other agent and solely depends on the will-power of the smoker and hence it is the Toughest method This method calls for the immediate and sudden cessation of smoking There are ways to AVERT cravings and the withdrawal SYMPTOMS Keeping very busy oneself reduces the craving for cigarettes One could also take up to divert their mind to something of their interest Fluids Drinking plenty of water helps flush the toxins from the body and which cause withdrawal SYMPTOMS Hypnotherapy is another method which Provides a Psychological approach to fight addiction This method involves coaxing the Subconscious mind to shout to submit to the nicotine addiction By bringing the patient to the hypnotized state the hypnotist gets a gateway to Instill in the mind of the smoker from smoking and to AVERT Psychological Thus remove the dependencies Herbal methods is another natural way to quit smoking There are herbs which act as anti-depressants Herbs These increased levels of dopamine in the brain which decreases the craving Herbs also help to bring positive mood swings which help them control their urge to smoke in smokers Lobelia, also known as the Indian tobacco, is a famous herb used as a relaxant Mimosa is another important herb tea which calms you while suffering from withdrawal SYMPTOMS [/ Lang]

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