Kenan Doğulu-Shake It Up Şekerim

Eski 03-21-2007   #1

Kenan Doğulu-Shake It Up Şekerim

She smiled at me said
Would you like a sweet in love
I know a place where we can
Take it nice and slow
I know what you're thinking
Don't stop I need that sweet thing
Telling you now, this is real

Shake it up şekerim
I know what you're feeling
Shake it up şekerim
I got what you're needing
Shake it up şekerim
Tell me what you're thinking
Shake it up şekerim
You're my only sweet thing

She said in a sexy lazy low key
Can I make it right?
You put your twist in me
I take you through the night
Don't keep me waiting
Not sure you're understanding
Just how much I pray for you

Shake it up şekerim
I know what you're feeling
Shake it up şekerim
I got what you're needing
Shake it up şekerim
Tell me what you're thinking
Shake it up şekerim
You're my only sweet thing

All the time
I got lots of candy to make you mine
I got lots of candy for you
All the time
I got lots of candy to make you mine
I got lots of candy for you

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla
Üye olmanıza kesinlikle gerek yok !

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