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karahayıt, pamukkale, red, turkey, water

Karahayıt Red Water, Pamukkale, Turkey

Eski 09-05-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Karahayıt Red Water, Pamukkale, Turkey

Karahayıt Red Water
Karahayıt Thermal Spring and Mineral Waters
The Thermal Source is in Karahayıt Town about 5 km north of Pamukkale and also a part of the Pamukkale Thermal Sources System The water composition resembles that of Pamukkale Thermal Sources, but it is warmer and has less CO2 There are three sources The first one is 420C, the second is 50 0C and the third source is 56 0C The water also has mildly radioactive elements The thermal water is good for the heart, hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, rheumatism, sciatica, skin and nerve diseases

Thermal Water Contents: The water has calcium (466000), bicarbonate (1329,569), sodium (114,950), iron (2,485), potassium (32,883), magnesium (131,344), carbon dioxide (730,40) mg and radioactivity is 183,14There are several oxides in thermal water That's why the water has formed different colored travertines according to its contents

Karahayıt used to be just a local tourist destination, but nowadays it is an international destination because many hotels have been built Karahayıt Town is almost as important as Pamukkale The Karahayıt Red Cascades cover about 500 m2 The cascades are one of the most interesting places to see in Denizli

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