Aerosmith - F.İ.N.E

Eski 08-13-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Aerosmith - F.İ.N.E

Aerosmith - FINE

Hot wax drippin'
Honey what do you say
I got a brand new record
That I gotta play
She says not now boy
But I did anyway
Cause I'm ready so ready
Lip smackin' paddy wackin'
Walkin' the street
I got a rag top Chevy
Now I'm back on my feet
I get an EMHO woody
When I sit in the seat
Cause I'm ready so ready

I got a girlfriend with the hoochy-coochy eyes
Cause in the pink she look so fine
She got the *****er jack now all I wants the prize honey

I know these hookers down on 42nd street but
Ill-gotten booty's not my style
I'll take a rain check 'til I get back on my feet honey

'Cause I'm
Your daddy says I'm
Your momma says
And my old lady says I'm

Whip *****in' floozy
Way outta control
She got a new kinda jelly
In her jelly roll
I got the right key baby
But the wrong keyhole
And I'm ready so ready

I'm a red hot pistol
And I'm ready to fight
I'm a 38 special
On a Saturday night
I'm gonna kiss your boo boo honey
Make it alright
'Cause I'm ready so ready

I got a cruiser with a bimbo on the dash
It kinda keeps my ass in line
One little french kiss honey that's my kinda trash yeah

My brand new baby's lookin f-i-n-e fine
The sun is shinin' every day
Ain't got no rubbers now it's rainin all the time honey

Since I'm
My little sister says I'm
Oh my brother thinks I'm
And my old lady knows I'm

I feel like I'm hung up on the line
I'd die for you but we were partners in the crime
Everything about you is so f-i-n-e fine
Let's put our clothes back on
And by the way girl
What's your name again
Come on come on come on come on

Since I'm
You're daddy says I'm
And Tipper thinks I'm
And Joe Perry says I'm

Pitched my tent
In the pouring rain
I got a back seat lover
That's callin' my name
She gonna blow my cover
She's hot as a flame
But I'm ready so ready

I shove my tongue
Right between your cheeks
I haven't made love now
For twenty-five weeks
I hear that your so tight
Your lovin' squeaks
And I'm ready so ready

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