The Wailin Jennys - Starlight

Eski 08-13-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

The Wailin Jennys - Starlight

The Wailin Jennys - Starlight

I have come back to you broken

take me home

And my body bears this trouble

take me home

Take me back to my beginning

Before the hell of night set in

And I came to this border

take me home

I have toured the endless starlight

take me home

I have shattered under midnight

take me home

There are no vultures in this clearing

Except the ones who brought me here

And I'll no longer feed them

take me home

Kingdom come their will was done

And now the earth is far away

from any kind of heaven

Hallowed be these frozen fields

And every single one of us

still left in want of mercy

Take us home

Now the bells stand still and hollow

take me home

And no one has come to mourn me

take me home

Find me where I close my eyes

Beneath this sky of powerlines

And let me see us clearly

take me home

Kingdom come their will was done

And now the earth is far away

from any kind of heaven

Hallowed be these frozen fields

And every single one of us

Still left in want of mercy

Take us home

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla
Üye olmanıza kesinlikle gerek yok !

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