Charles Percy Snow

Eski 07-22-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Charles Percy Snow

* 1later Baron Snow (of the City of Leicester) born Oct 15, 1905, Leicester, Leicestershire, Eng died July 1, 1980, London British novelist, scientist, and government administrator Snow was a molecular physicist at the University of Cambridge for some 20 years and served as a scientific adviser to the British government His 11-novel sequence Strangers and Brothers (1940-70), which analyzes bureaucratic man and the corrupting influence of power, includes The Masters (1951), The New Men (1954), and Corridors of Power (1964) The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution (1959) and later nonfiction works deal with the cultural separation between practitioners of science and literature
English Related Words* a snow job
* albert francis charles augustus emmanuel
* alexis charles henri maurice de tocqueville
* alfred charles kinsey
* alfred charles william harmsworth
* algernon charles swinburne
* anthony charles lynton blair
* as pure as driven snow
* as white as driven snow
* babbage, charles
* baron snow of leicester
* blade snow plough
* c p snow
* charles
* charles a lindbergh

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