
Eski 07-22-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi


noun1any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal; "the situation called for strong measures"; "the police took steps to reduce crime"2how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify3a statute in draft before it becomes law; "they held a public hearing on the bill"[syn: bill]4the act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule; "the measurements were carefully done"; "his mental measurings proved remarkably accurate"[syn: measurement]5a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated; "the schools comply with federal standards"; "they set the measure for all subsequent work"[syn: standard]6(prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse[syn: meter]7musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats; "the orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song"8measuring instrument having a sequence of marks at regular intervals; used as a reference in making measurements[syn: measuring stick]9a container of some standard capacity that is used to obtain fixed amounts of a substance
verb1determine the measurements of something or somebody, take measurements of; "Measure the length of the wall"2express as a number or measure or quantity; "Can you quantify your results?"[syn: quantify]3have certain dimensions; "This table surfaces measures 20inches by 36 inches"4evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of; "I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional"; "access all the factors when taking a risk"

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