Tarkan - Mass Confusion

Eski 07-04-2008   #1

Tarkan - Mass Confusion

I'm running out of patience
I need a vacation
Cause all the frustration is rising
I'm getting irritated
Can't feel any sensation
But all this aggravation inside me
It's enough to make somebody go crazy
I better make somebody my baby

Tell me the way you're feeling
No matter what you'e hearing
There's not enough love and caring anywhere
Just when you think you lose it
Love's gonna get you through it
Loud Through all the mass confusion everywhere

I'm looking for some passion
I want a reaction
But all the distraction is growing
Whenever you discover we need one another
We need one another
You'll know it
It's enough to make somebody go crazy
I better make somebody my baby

Tell me the way you're feeling
No matter what you'e hearing
There's not enough love and caring anywhere
Just when you think you lose it
Love's gonna get you through it
Loud Through all the mass confusion everywhere

I know I'm tripping out
Too much to think about lately
I'm slipping off the track
I gotta deal with that too
I'm overanalyzed, digitized, terrorized
Over merchandised, paralyzed
What should I do?
What should I do?
It's enough to make somebody go crazy


Hakan Guven®
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