Gamze Olgun Parıldamış - Kimdir Kısaca Hayatı

Eski 10-21-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Gamze Olgun Parıldamış - Kimdir Kısaca Hayatı

Gamze Olgun Parıldamış ( - )

İş yaşamına 1990 yılında Borusan Holdingde operasyon uzmanı olarak başlayan Parıldamış, 1994-1995 yılları arasında Byte&Muhsinoğlu Şirketinde sistem uzmanlığı, 1995-1998 yılları arasında Oracle dağıtıcı şirketi Logo Base AŞde kanal ilişkileri müdürlüğü, 1998-2000 yılları arasında Microsoft Türkiye İş Geliştirme Müdürlüğü, 2000-2003 yılları arasında da Sun Microsystems Türkiye�de Genel Sektör Satış Yöneticiliği yaptı

1 Haziran 2005 itibariyle Cybersoft firmasında İstanbul Satış Müdürü görevine başlayan Gamze Olgun Parıldamış evli ve bir çocuk annesi

Cybersoft Hakkında

1995 yılında Ankarada kurulan Cybersoft, bilgi teknolojileri sektöründe anahtar teslimi proje geliştirme, ortak proje ekibi oluşturma, bilgi teknolojileri danışmanlığı, eğitim-danışmanlık ve teknoloji gözetmenliği, ürün satışı ve desteği konularında faaliyet göstermektedir Tamamı Türk sermayesi olan Cybersoftun 300e yaklaşan çalışanı bulunmaktadır Cybersoft uluslararası arenada BT Oscarı kazanmış olan tek Türk Teknoloji Şirketidir

Alıntı Yaparak Cevapla

Gamze Olgun Parıldamış - Kimdir Kısaca Hayatı

Eski 10-21-2012   #2
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Gamze Olgun Parıldamış - Kimdir Kısaca Hayatı

Melih Özdemir Kimdir?


13 Ağustos 1984 Hürriyet Gazetesinde "Kapıcının Süper Çoçukları" haberine konu olan Özdemir ailesinin en küçük ferdi

Boğaziçi Üni Bilgisayar Mühendisliği mezunu

Çalıştığı şirketlerde hep parmakla gösterilen, yılın elemanı seçilen Melih Özdemir'in talihi, talih oyunları oynatan Bilyoner AŞ'de çok parlak şekilde giderken, birden döndü Şimdiye kadar sustu, gerekmediği sürece de susacak Bazen susmak en büyük "Çığlık" oluyor
Evli, 1,5 yaşında bir kız babası



1986 – 1990 Şişli High School Şişli / İstanbul
Graduated with the highest school degree
1990 – 1992 Boğaziçi University School for Advanced Studies of Foreign
Languages Bebek / İstanbul
1992 – 1996 Boğaziçi University Computer Sciences Dept Bebek / İstanbul


June 2007 – Present
CE Bilgi İşlem AŞ

Genaral Manager
Sales & Marketing & Technology

* Extensive sales, marketing and operational experience in the Turkish Mobile Value Added Services (M-VAS) services sector
* Ability to identify, develop and exploit new market opportunities
* Generating and selecting appropriate sales and marketing strategies meet company objectives
* Achieving ~20 Million USD M-VAS sales in 2007
* Managing ~10 Million Usd budget in 2008
* Managing more than 30 managerial level and senior staff
* Prepared Business Plan, AOP, Strategy Document, Organizational Structure of the company from scratch

Areas of Special Competence
* Strong sector experience with clients from the GSM, ISP, and Telecommunications service sectors
* Ability to identify, develop and exploit high level corporate partnerships & e- commerce, m-commerce strategies
* Proven e-Commerce sales background and mobile and web-based product implementation

January 2004 – March 2007
Bilyoner Interaktif Hizmetler AŞ

Assistant GM
Sales & Marketing & Technology

* Extensive sales, marketing and operational experience in the Turkish e-business, m-business services sector
* Proven track record in managing a wide portfolio of blue chip, governmental institutions' accounts including risk & method, compliance, contract renewals, bids, preparation /submission of tenders & contract management
* Ability to identify, develop and exploit new market opportunities
* Generating and selecting appropriate sales and marketing strategies meet company objectives
* Achieving ~100 Million USD e-sales in 2006
* Managing ~13 Million Usd budget in 2006
* Managing more than 20 managerial level and senior staff
* Prepared Business Plan, AOP, Strategy Document, Organizational Structure of the company from scratch

Areas of Special Competence
* Strong sector experience with clients from the GSM, ISP, and Telecommunications service sectors
* Ability to identify, develop and exploit high level corporate partnerships & e- commerce, m-commerce strategies
* Proven e-Commerce sales background and mobile and web-based product implementation
* Thorough understanding of sales methodology and processes
* Proven leadership skills; ability to lead sales, marketing, technical teams
* Strong understanding of mobile and web-based functionality, search engines, global distribution systems,
* Internet hosting and related industry e-Commerce products
* Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, combined with a strategic thought process
* High level of analytical ability and strategic direction
* Excellent organizational and time-management skills; ability to manage multiple tasks and work in a deadline-oriented environment
* Solid understanding of technology as an enabler to business success

February 2002 – January 2004 SUPERONLINE Int Online Info and Comm Serv Inc Besiktaş/Istanbul

Portal Platform Manager
* Residential ISP Unit
* Product & Technology Management of Superonlinecom
* Managed 13 senior/junior staff
* Prepared and submitted Superonlinecom 2002 (Q2-Q4) -2003 Portal Strategy
* Prepared and submitted Unit Organizational Structure (Lines’ & Staff’s Roles & Responsibilities & Benefits & Carrier Planning)

September 2001 – February 2002 SUPERONLINE Int Online Info and Comm Serv Inc Beşiktaş/Istanbul

Portal Consultant
* Marketing Department
* Planned & designed Superonline’s 2002 Portal strategy
* Designed and developed Superonline & Ixir portal services’ integration
June 2000 -September 2001 TURKCELL / PLATCO Int and Comm Serv Inc Davutpasa /Istanbul

Chief Business&Technology Advisor
* Multi Access Company Setup / Multi Access Platform Setup
* Managed 30 senior/junior technical staff from Companies of Turkcell & Superonline & Digiturk to setup Multi Access Portal of Turkcell Group of Companies
* Prepared and submitted 5 years Company Budget and Technology Investment Plan
* Prepared and submitted Company Organizational Structure (Lines’ & Staff’s Roles & Responsibilities & Benefits & Carrier Planning)
* Worked as Executive Steering Committee Member of Multi Access Portal Project
* Participated in “Business Plan Group” of Multi Access Portal Project for three months

Nov 1997 – May 2000 SUPERONLINE Int Online Info and Comm Serv Inc Levent/Istanbul

Portal Manager
* Electronic/Mobile Commerce Department January 2000 – May 2000
* Planned & designed Superonline’s Mobile Portal & Mobile Commerce strategy on WAP, WAP Hosting and Future Mobile Portal
* Worked as consultant on technical aspects of Mobile Technology to Turkcell Groups of Companies
* Designed and developed Superonline’s SMS Site and applications “Mobile Organizer”, “SMS Alert”, http://wwwsuperonlinecom/sms
* Designed and developed at least twenty different SMS VAS, WAP Services, Channels, Applications on WAP Portal Site (Stocks, Exchange Rates, News, Last Minutes’ News, E-Mail, Cinema, Lottery, Emergency Info, WAP Catalog…)
* Developed corporate and personal “WAP Hosting” products
* Designed and developed WAP Portal Presentation Site on SOL Web Site http://wwwsuperonlinecom/wap

Project Manager
* New Technologies Department June 1999 – January 2000
* “Turkcell Activation Centers” (TAM) Project completed Around the Turkey nearly 700 Turkcell Sales Points started to register new customers online via network supplied by this project
* Superonline “Mobil Portal” designed and installed Ericsson WAP Gateway, Turkcell GSM No: 757722 and network connection with GSM side was established
* Superonline “WAP Portal” Services designed and developed on Content Management System by creating special software to supply WAP devices oriented content and design http://wapsuperonlinecom
* Attended “Internet Connection via Satellite” Project for three months
* Attended “Remote Education” Project for two months
* Attended “Multi Access Portal” Project on Turkcell site for two months

* IT Department Nov 1997 – June 1999

* Customer Database Redesign & Customer Care System Project completed
* Payment Server Project (PCPOS which is the name of the product developed by SOL& YKB Technical Stuff) completed
* RADIUS Server Project (Login Server which is the name of the product developed by SOL Technical Stuff, have been used for authentication, authorization and accounting of SOL Access Customers) completed
* Content Management System Project Vignette Product which has personalization, recommendation, customization, content management and syndication properties, was successfully integrated into SOL Portal Content Services and Applications
* A Pilot Application “News Portal” was developed on Content Management System

January 1996 – September 1997 Smartel İletişim Ürünleri Ltd Şti ; A NCR Solution Provider Company

Project Leader
* Designed and developed products based on AT&T Voice Information Platform (UNIX based platform on AT&T Conversant and Infinity Systems)
* Achieved two significant projects: CitiBank IVR Banking Project (444 0 500) and Ata Menkul Kıymetler Stock System on IVR (Stock Portfolio, Stock Exchange, Buy&Sell Stocks)

April 1994 – October 1994 Ottawa University Computer Sciences Dept Ottawa / Canada
Telecommunications Software Engineering Research Group (TSERG)

Research Assistant

* Simulated a PHD research topic related to telecommunications in C/C++ programming language on UNIX system
* Submitted weekly reports, documents of project developments


English Very Good
French Beginning


Intelligent Networks, Artificial Intelligence , Algorithms Design


Mobile VAS, Network Topology, Protocol, Devices, Wireless Networks, GSM, SS7, TCP/IP, NT, UNIX, Digital Security, InterSystem Integrations, Content Management & Electronic Publishing Systems

Programming Languages: C/C++, Java, EJB, JSP, Servlet, Tcl, PL/SQL, Sybase, Oracle, ADA, Assembly Lang, Solaris UNIX, UNIX Scripting, Centura, HTML, JavaScript, WML, WMLScript

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