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Hz. Abu Bakr For The Preparation Day

Eski 10-11-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Hz. Abu Bakr For The Preparation Day

Hz Abu Bakr for the Preparation Day
Hakkında Hz Abu Bakr for the Preparation Day

Hz Abu Bakr for the Preparation Day

- Pr Aisha explains: Hz The Prophet used to come to us either morning or evening However, the day God gave him permission to emigrate, a full hour of noon came to us He never would never have time My father saw him

"Hz The Prophet would never have at this time There surely is an important cause, "he said Hz Entered into the Prophet, my father got up from his seat gave him the location I was with my father and my sister Asma Hz Father of the Prophet

"They go out," he said My father

"O Messenger of Allah, they are my daughters My mother to get my father to sacrifice to you I wonder what is this job? "He asked Hz Prophet

"He emigrated to me and allowed me to emerge from Mecca," he said My father

"O Allah's Apostle! I want to be friends, "he said Hz Prophet

"I came here to take away with you," he said He is not never seen you cry joy until the day a person That day my father cried for joy and hüngür hüngür

"O Allah's Apostle, the following two camel prepared for it," he said Then, to guide them, the Bani buil b Abdullah ibn Bakr tribe Erkad'ı rented B The mother of this, the Bani Sehm Amr kabilesindendi and he müşrikti yet Were delivered to him until the day they will move to look at the camels [1]

- Pr Aisha said: My father

"O Messenger of Allah, take me with it," he said Hz Prophet

"Yes, I'll take along with you too," he said My father

"I have two continuing my For six months in this business since I started feeding them Get someone to you, "he said Hz Prophet

"I only buy it," he said Bought one of the camel Then off they went to the cave exit [2]

- Asma said: Hz Mecca, the Prophet came to us twice a day But noon came and I was a full day of emigration

"O my father! Look, Hz Comes from the Prophet, "I said My father

"My mother to get my father to sacrifice Prophet Getirten him here at this hour is surely an important, "he said Hz Father of the Prophet

"You know, God gave me permission to exit from Mecca?" He said My father

"O Allah's Apostle! Will I be friends? "He asked Prophet Prophet

"Yes, you'll be!" He said My father

"I have two continuing my Since feeding them or something, waiting for this day Get one of them, "he said Hz Prophet

"You only get money," he said My father

"My mother sacrificed my dad get to you, you want to take the money," he said They have prepared a table of provision Then I trashed my back belt, he hooked up a piece of the table They went mountain cave, they stopped and Sevres My father arrived at the cave, before the Prophet entered the cave, every hole by putting a finger to harm the Prophet there was a check for insects Quraysh and the Prophet Abu Bakr also set about looking for them for their lost Awards brings the Prophet vaadettiler hundred camels Two mountains of Mecca began to look for Where they came to the mountain of Sevres Abu Bakr, pointing to a person standing across from the cave

"O Allah's Apostle! This person is looking at here, "he said Hz Prophet

"No, the wings of angels hide us," said This time, there began to pee while standing in the face of the cave Hz Prophet

"If you saw us not do it," he said Thus, they had three days in the cave Amir b Füheyre our sheep bring them, staying with them at night, with the pasture there were shepherds in the morning The evening was going along with them But the slow-moving sheep evening when my father was taking the Prophet Zannederlerdi that the shepherds, and he is with them My brother Abdullah in Mecca during the day walking around, gathering news Come to the cave collapsed in the dark, giving them the news After leaving them in darkness, was in Mecca in the morning

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