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Up-To-Date Understanding Of Religion

Eski 10-11-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Up-To-Date Understanding Of Religion

Up-To-Date Understanding Of RELIGION
Hakkında Up-To-Date Understanding Of RELIGION

Up-To-Date Understanding Of RELIGION

Dear Friend,

You are going to meet with some new ideas in this chapter It is our sincere hope that you may reflect upon them as free from prejudice as possible, make investigation and discuss with intellectual minds around yourself to find out the truth The rest is up to you alone For our part, there is none other than respect for your decision

My friend! With respect to the latest contemporary scientific data explored by two of the world's most respected scientists, Neurophysiologist Karl Pribram at Stanford University in the USA and Physicist David Bohm, a protégé of Einstein's, the true NATURE of the Universe is a “WHOLENESS,” that is ENTIRELY COMPOSED OF quanta energy and DESIGNED HOLOGRAPHICALLY"* In the same way, human brain is a substance composed of waves of frequencies, that operates also holographically “Death’ is nothing other than the survival of consciousness through a transition from one level of hologram into another

Human brain sculpts a type of “luminous body of frequencies” (body of light), that is known as "spirit" (ruh), by means of converting the bioelectric energy gained from the analysis of nutrients into sort of a luminous energy (frequencies) At the same time, the brain not only records all its mental activity onto that “luminous body” in form of frequencies (as meaningful waves), that it sculpts hereby, it also spreads out them all over space

Since each person’s brain constructs his own “spirit,” the view known as “reincarnation” which argues that a spirit reenters a physical body after its transmigration from one, is absolutely a baseless view (Reincarnation is a Hindu belief in origin)

The Koran, Holy Book of Islam, portrays “death” as an event to be “tasted” and emphasizes in the Chapter of Mu’minun, (signs 99-100) that it is impossible for a human being to come back to earth by rebirth, once the death is tasted

Let us return to the point of Holographic Universe for more, back again Experimental evidence has shown that subatomic particles, that compose our physical universe, move as ghostly images and possess what appears to be holographic property One of he thought-provoking findings Bohm determined is that the subatomic particles are thoroughly interconnected with each other Such an interconnection indicates that the universe viewed as composed of “parts” is in fact organized by a basic WHOLENESS

It means that subatomic particles are not independent things and are not separate from one another Behavior of the parts are actually organized by an implicate deeper order as a whole After all his determinations, Bohm arrived at the conclusion that “the universe is a kind of giant hologram

Based on the hologram principle, every particle of the universe fully contains every quality observed in the whole universe That is, every portion of the universe enfolds the whole Everything in the universe is part of a continuum and each thing fully enfolds the properties of another thing, and it is even the same “another thing” The reality so beyond “our own concept of world” has a wholeness undivided, unbroken and unfragmented into parts

Bohm explained his new findings of QUANTUM PHYSICS in his new field what he called the QUANTUM POTENTIAL, a new dimension:

- At the subquantum level, the level in which the quantum potential operates, location ceases to exist All points in space became equal to all other points in space We call this property “nonlocality” All of space, all particles are nonlocally interconnected

- Just as every portion of a hologram contains the image of the whole, every portion of the universe possesses the whole information This means that the information is equally embedded in the whole “nonlocally” as a whole

All these explorations reveal a reality that there cannot be a “GOD-OUT-THERE” residing in some places of space!

Besides, according to the Koran, the Holy Book of Islam, “There is no god, there is ONLY ALLAH alone,” and that ALLAH is AHAD (Chapter of Unity, 112:1), meaning the single ONE unbroken into fragments, pieces or components The existence of a separate second being beside HU’s existence cannot be thought, and HU’s wholeness cannot be assumed as a totality composed of “parts” or “pieces” In consideration of this fact, pantheist view never refers to what is denoted through the name “ALLAH”

Everything as abstracted out and viewed as separate things in the level of our perception originates from within the existence of ALLAH; however, Hu’s wholeness is not a totality of many things There is ONLY “HU” in reality The observation of multiple reality of everything in the universe is an illusion and an imagination resulting from the perceptive capacity of the observer, from the way he looks

The basic reality being an undivided WHOLENESS has appeared as “a multitude,” which is an abstraction standing out in our perception by our way of viewing the universe, by making “attributary separateness” within the capacity of observers according to Hu’s will In absolute reality, there is only ALLAH alone, and nothing outside Hu’s self

At the holographic level of quantum, all things are actually inseparably interwoven, and life and consciousness are enfolded throughout the totality of the universe Dividing the universe up into living and nonliving things also has no meaning

There are countless numbers of dimensional levels of existence and intelligent life forms in the entire universe; each being composed of various waves of frequency We, the humankind, do in fact form only one of those countless dimensional levels of such a multilayered holographic universe

In every level of existence in the universe, life keeps going eternally in constant transformations from one dimension into the other However, there is no absence for any individual that has once existed Once that a human being is an existent intellectual unit, his life will continue for ever, passing through levels of different dimensions

The last Rasul Hazrat Mohammed (peace be upon him) has communicated this universal truth through the science that came to him from within his own TRUTH that is ALLAH, by means of READING the System, and emphasized the ONENESS of ALLAH 14 hundred years before our day, so as human beings should not worship any gods He emphasized that human beings will continue their lives after a transition from the dimension of biological body to a dimension, a realm of spirit bodies (that is sort of a luminous dimension)

Besides, he explained the necessity of achieving some practices referring to the fact that the preparation for such a level of life can only be made during one’s lifetime in this world, and suggested people some proposals about it!

The Rasul has already forewarned people and completed his duty IN THE NAME OF ALLAH Nobody after him has an authority to speak or to judge IN THE NAME OF “Allah” Everybody can speak ABOUT “Allah” and ABOUT the Deen at the level his science allows him but never IN THE NAME OF ALLAH!

The Prophet's proposals are for human beings, whose lives will continue beyond death, and not for any States or Governments! In the life after death, there is not any State, but persons as individuals The Deen has come so that “people” should prepare themselves for the conditions of life beyond death

The Deen (Religion) has nothing to do with the States, Governments and political regimes It never addresses to States Religion holds persons responsible individually, not any State or any Government And every person as an individual is responsible directly towards the Rasul Mohammed Mustafa (peace be upon him), who communicated the Deen to us; no one being responsible towards any other person, any establishment, community or society, no matter whatever religious title, career or fame they bear

With reference to the Koran, “there shall be no compelling, no compulsion” in the Deen of Islam

The proposals have already been provided for persons to benefit them in the life beyond death He that follows them with a peaceful heart shall do it to his own good, he that gives no heed to them, shall do so at his own peril taking over its consequences in the life beyond death Pressure and compelling give rise to hypocrisy, therefore they have not been allowed in Islam

The proposals offered in Islam are not a “software package” as that one should either obey them to the full, or not at all This is completely an out-of-Islam type of understanding and interpretation Each person practices as much of them as he can to his benefit, and the rest is his personal loss

None of the deeds practiced in return for a payment is respected in the Deen (If a practice is turned a profit on, it is not valid in the Deen) A practice that will not be achieved in case it is not paid for is obviously done for commercial purposes, and it can never be considered as “ibadat” (praying)!

There is no people's class of religious authority in the Deen-i Islam No matter what religious identification or term of address one holds, nobody can interact between a person and the Rasul who made the communication Nobody is required to follow anyone besides the Rasul The Deen of Islam is by no means in the monopoly or in the registration of any person, any establishment Each person is in need of learning his own religion adequately from the original sources as it is and practice his understanding as much as he can If a person has been misinformed, he is responsible for this and therefore cannot have an excuse for it

All the practices known as ibadat, which were passed onto us through the Rasul, are completely based on scientific realities They are never aimed at pleasing the heart's desire of a god off in the heights above, afar off (beyond) us Allah, who made the universe existent out of nothing, is not in need of any one's practice Just like the food you take are aimed at supplying your physical body’s needs, the practices called as ibadat (prayers) are related to the needs of your life beyond death They are related to the “knowledge” and “energy” that your brain power records onto your, in a way a luminous body of frequencies, that is your spirit

The practices that are carried out can be divided into two as physical and mental in view of their benefits Benefits gained physically empower mental activities and subsequently expand the brain capacity, and thus empower the person's spirit

Constant repetition of words, a practice known as “zhikr,” makes you realize the universal qualities, that are the meanings of ALLAH names, which existed holographically in your own being, through expanding your brain capacity It increases brain capacity and energy For instance, the repetition of the word “Mureed” in a certain number of times a day, which is the Name of Allah's quality of being “will,” increases the person's will-power The repetition of the name “Quddus” in addition to the name “Mureed,” results in a person quitting all sorts of his malicious habits High tempered, rowdy, heart-breaking, excessive people lacking in self-control and persons of a nervous (tense, irritable) temper dissolve to a tolerant character shortly after they start repeating the Name “Haliym” All these come true as brain cells are programmed in corresponding frequencies produced in the brain This fact was scientifically proved as a laboratory experiment recently and it was published in an article with the signature of John Horgan in the December 1993 issue of “The Scientific American”

The more a person's brain capacity is increased, the better he realizes and knows ALLAH as being the truth of the attributes that unfold through himself

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