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convenience, islâm, religion

İslam İs A Religion Of Convenience

Eski 10-11-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

İslam İs A Religion Of Convenience

Islam is a religion of convenience
Hakkında Islam is a religion of convenience

Islam is a religion of convenience

Islam is a religion showing amenities, Asr-ı Saâdet'te fact took place are many Zikredeceğiz some of them here His Holiness describes Anas bin Malik: "a prophet (peace be upon him) entered the mosque one day 'In the eyes of the mosque as soon as drawn between the two poles fell on a rope - What is this rope? He asked Companions: - This is Zaynab in the rope Zaynab, tired of standing while praying in vain, it holds on a rope, they said The Prophet (peace be upon him): - No, (the worship of the old olunmaz such difficulty) Solve this rope neş'eli quite fit and prayers standing bless any of you tired or just fits ( And the prayer is completed then sat) said "

Utbe bin Amir describes:

"My sister (Umm Hibban) Beytullah i devoted to visit on foot, but later felt that this power, the issue of the Messenger of Allah commanded me to be asked from the Lord I asked the Messenger Hazrat-i, in response to

(Primitive) going by on foot, (then) bineğinin got on his back let it go He said "

Enes'den Hadrat (RA):

"Ekrem Nebiy-yi (peace be upon him), between two sons, they moved by the old one was conducted 'This is the hardest? A Mount thousand wondering why?" he asked sons in response to: - What Resulallah nezretmiştir father to go to Kaaba on foot So we run like that, they said

Muhammad Messenger of Allah: Allah, the old man his soul azâblandırmakla afford worship, and said to him, by getting on bineğine ordered to go to visit the Kaaba "

Abdullah bin Masud:

"The Prophet (peace be upon him), va'z regard us not get enough of him, he looked at us day and time according to the kollardı"

Jabir bin 'Abd Allah describes:

"The Messenger was at a time Then he saw a man later collected by people, although it is shaded and the 'What's wrong with him' he asked" Fasting is a man 'they said The Prophet (peace be upon him) on it:

At a time of goodness and virtue of fasting is not sincere God has made in your favor licenses, not leave, "said"

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