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A Lot Of Muslim Youths Are Asking About The Ruling On Joining İslamic Groups

Eski 10-11-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

A Lot Of Muslim Youths Are Asking About The Ruling On Joining İslamic Groups

A lot of Muslim youths are asking about the ruling on joining Islamic groups
Hakkında A lot of Muslim youths are asking about the ruling on joining Islamic groups

A lot of Muslim youths are asking about the ruling on joining Islamic groups and adhering exclusively to the methodology of a particular group


Praise be to Allaah

It is obligatory on every person to adhere to the truth, what Allaah and His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, not to adhere to the methodology of any group, whether it is the Ikhwan al-Muslimeen or Ansaar al-Sunnah or any other group He should adhere to the truth If he joins the Ansaar al-Sunnah and helps them with regard matters in which they are following to the truth, or he joins the Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen and agrees with them on matters in which they are following the truth, without going to extremes or being negligent, there is nothing wrong with that But if he adheres to their set of beliefs and never deviates from it, this is not permitted He has to follow the truth wherever it leads him If the truth is with the Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen, he has to follow it, and if it is with the Ansaar al-Sunnah, he has to follow it, and if it is with another group, he has to follow it He has to follow the truth, and help all other groups with regard to the truth, but he should not adhere to a particular way of thinking never forsaking it even if it turns out to be false or mistaken That is wrong, and is not permitted He should be with the group in every way in which they are correct, and not with them in the matters in which they are wrong

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