Prof. Dr. Sinsi
Did Hazrath Mohammed (Pbuh) Participate İn Any Battles?
Did Hazrath Mohammed (pbuh) participate in any battles?
Hakkında Did Hazrath Mohammed (pbuh) participate in any battles?
Did Hazrath Mohammed (pbuh) participate in any battles?
The political and military campaigns that our Prophet himself took part in are called ghazwa; the political and military campaigns that our Prophet did not take part but gave the flag to someone from his companions and appointed him the leader of the campaign are called sariyya
There were 27 ghazwas that the Prophet himself led They are Abwa, Buwat, Badru’l-ula-Safawan, Zu’l-Ushayra, Badr, Bani Qaynuqa', Sawiq, Qarqaratul kudr, Ghatafan, Bani Sulaym, Uhud, Hamraulasad, Bani Nadir, Badru’l-Maw’id, Zatu’r-Riqa’, Dumatul jandal, Muraysi’ (Bani’l-Mustaliq), Khandaq, Bani Kurayza, Bani Lihyan, Ghaba, Hudaybiya, Khaybar, Conquest of Makkah, Hunayn, Taif and Tabuk There were clashes only in nine of those ghazwas