Manavgat – Turkey

Eski 10-21-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Manavgat – Turkey

Manavgat – Turkey

Manavgat is the largest district of Antalya The population is not less than 80,000 It takes its name from the Turkmen tribes named Manav, the Manavgat to it before someone else does This first course came under the aegis of the Seljuks in 1220, then the Ottomans in 1472 Manavgat has a coastline that are over 55 KmThese ribs with beautiful beaches and coastline is covered Terrain with a smooth, began to sweat when you from the coastal areas in the hinterland of Manavgat, which is of the Toros Mountains to the north move under siege As in other areas of the Mediterranean Sea, Manavgat has hot summers and dry summers and rainy and hot In this marshy city one finds the famous Manavgat Waterfall on the Manavgat River and 2 km from the town Side is another important sector of tourism in the same place It is believed that this small and dignified service was founded in the city prior to the seventh century (BC) The ancient theater and the Temple of Apollo is located in the center of the city

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