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Science İn İslam And The Muslim Scholars

Eski 10-11-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Science İn İslam And The Muslim Scholars

Science in Islam and the Muslim Scholars
Hakkında Science in Islam and the Muslim Scholars

Science in Islam and the Muslim Scholars

Large share of the world's present level of civilization in the historical development of science and technology was extremely fast Well, science and technology, culture, civilization and assumed the leadership of this change in the beginning of the historical periods which have started?

All of the above-mentioned discoveries, dating back to the ninth century world history in the fourteenth century, the most advanced civilization of the period of the "Islamic Civilization" of the product All their lives, so all the work on the basis of science Citing verses of the Koran with the Muslims at that time went on, even in science Knowledge-based reminding and civilizations in the world today has its source in many value

In the Qur'an, the verses about the creation of the universe and the universe, order notification, giving great importance to have information, evidence of the existence of God be seen in nature, every object in the universe and the existence of the compliance and commitment to each other, lead to the advancement of science has shown during this period

Technical sciences, medicine, astronomy, chemistry, algebra and obtain important results in many areas, such as the Muslim scholars, as soon as the field of civilization and culture have proven themselves all over the world Muslims are instrumental in disposing of the first steps of his inventions of civilization, opened the path to progress The history of Islam, we examine the individual branches of science, the Holy Quran is the source of all that science is a part of the material-spiritual system repeatedly prove that God created everything we see

Muslim scientists, primarily in the West, including Rome and the East, primarily China, science and technology developed in other states received guidance and vital resources have translated This information is incorrect and inconsistent with the accumulation of points within the faith and remove the technical sense, brought the situation to benefit themselves Following the work of the nature of the first step, evaluate the information they have obtained by interpreting the science and technology have begun to contribute

Born in the second half of the fifth century of Islam developed, tested and played an important role in the development of observational science

Jabir Bin Hayyan grown in the Islamic world scientists, 'chemical substances, volatile substances, non-volatile substances, combustible substances and minerals as' collects the four groups Jabir bin Hayyan'ın this study, known as the founder of modern chemistry leads Lavoisier'e

Al-Kindi, Einstein 800 years ago in 1100, deals with the theory of relativity Al-Kindi, 'When the body length of existence, time, speed and slowness bilinebilen and measurable result of the movement Time, space and movement is not independent of each other, toward the sky from the tree of a human sees a small, down to the big man sees' he says

Medical and pharmaceutical scholars such as Ibn Sina and Razi, anatomy and treatment field, while adding a lot of new information, history and geography, Idrisi sciences, and the name of al-Tabari that the rows sığdıramayacağımız Hamevi and many Islamic scholars, have made significant progress in scientific theories Especially in the field of optics, the eleventh century, Ibn al-Haytham, this branch of science has rebuilt itself The ninth century, who lived a thousand Kurra Hard, the first major innovation in the field of astronomy has realized the ninth Batlamyusçu starless sphere has added to the system In the thirteenth century, Muslim astronomers also have recognized the difficulties faced by this system and do not Batlamyusçu have developed models of the planet These are far ahead of their time really works The work of printing the names of the Muslim history of science and scientists, financial and moral support by the state have seen, have been encouraged, have gained the reputation among the people In Europe the situation is completely different from the same period European scientists are serving science, met with many restrictions on blocking, and even demanded the work be stopped completely (Harun Yahya Quran Leads the Way to Science)

Calculate the slope of the world Fergani

Harezmi, Indian figures of the numbers we use today is by adding the number zero, science, experiment upon the information should not be a fixed non-Fergani said Ahmed, as calculated by the distance between the latitudes, the Earth's axis inclination hesaplıyordu most accurately

Al-Battani used today as the links Trigonometric formülleştiren, in 877 until 929 makes continuous astronomical observations, by definition Kotanjant'ın Tangent and Sine, Tangent and Kotanjant'ın ninety degrees from the ground up to prepare the table

Er-Razi Abu Bakr, the first time as a surgical suture material bağırsağını animal uses the science of medicine and chief physician about your experiment and observation is very important that the doctors will work in the hospital say that you should specialize

Secant and adds the concepts of trigonometry csc Abu'l-Fidelity Bodies can be seen in line with the eye emits rays and Batlamyus'a against Euclid says, 'Places of the object shape, the light enters through the review and there is transferred by means of lenses, saying, in his numerous trials' visual stimuli from the eye to the brain transmitted by the nerves' says Ibn-l- Haytham is the pioneer of the science of optics

Be one of the ways to distinguish between various substances, saying that the specific gravity of materials, hot water and cold water to detect the difference in specific gravity between the al-Beyruni; in 973 'of scientific studies, and documentation that must be proved by experiments that the forced reliance on' tells İbnu'n-Beautiful, 1200'lü years, discovers that the small blood circulation

All Islamic countries, mathematics, medicine, space science and many other trend taught educational institutions, observatories; era equipped with the most advanced installations, hospitals, libraries were open to everyone Baghdad, Al-Andalus, especially in Harran, and Egypt, North Africa and around the Eastern Euphrates in many Islamic educational system and science, the period in question was developed in an exemplary level Muslims brought their cities into centers of civilization One of them, Cordoba, hospitals, libraries and schools in Central Europe came to see the students' education and was known as Europe's most modern city

Trace El Cezeri Abul Muslim Pioneers of science

XIII at the beginning of the century, Diyarbakir Artuqid Palace for 32 years served as a başmühendislik El Cezeri, water clocks, automatic control schemes, fountains, blood collection containers, such as encrypted keys, and robots, in many practical and aesthetic design and layout describing how to perform them, "Kitab-al Hyaline" is the author of the book

Cezeri, the founder of cybernetics at the time Cybernetics, communication, balance the science of setting up and tuning In humans and machines, information exchange, control and examine the state of equilibrium This science has developed over time has allowed the emergence of computers

Cybernetics and automated systems in the beginning of the French Descartes and Pascal, Leibniz Germans, Brits, R Bacon takes forward, they actually demonstrate it, and i-lim Cezeri is the first scholar to the world


The Treasury's contribution to the theory of scales of measurement and is known for Another important contribution to science in his opinions about gravity Treasury, Newton 500 years ago, "every object in the drawing toward the center of the sphere of power," said that Roger Bacon a century ago, the world closer toward the center, has taken up the idea of the water concentration

Treasury, density and specific weight of chemical substances invented in order to measure the precision scales, made substantial contributions to the science of chemistry found So, to have invented the "Mizanü'l-Hikme" (Wisdom Scale), called the sensitive balance that with the density and weight measurements, measurements made using today's technology is not much different

Elements ** ****

Gold 19:05 19:26

13:56 Mercury 13:59

Copper 866 885

Rice 8:57 8:40

Iron 774 779

Tin 7:32 7:29

Lead 11:32 11:35

According to modern chemistry, according to the ** ** Hazini'ye

Treasury, Zic-i Sanacarî (Star Catalogue), in his book, stars and planets, and information about the location of the Seljuk State has the latitude and boylamlarına Fi'l Risale-alat '(Information Appliance)'s booklet was the subject of observation instruments


Benu Musa brothers, the Abbasid Caliph Mamun (AD 813-833) and the time of the caliphs after him, have played an active role in the mathematical sciences for the development of people

Topkapi Palace III Ahmed works in the Library (A3474), the magic pots, fountains, oil lamps, a dansimetre, a blower and a removal order is mentioned


9 Hârizm'de century to come to the world and are likely to Hârizmî Turks are known as Muhammad ibn Musa, Memun'un found at the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, set up and the fields of mathematics and astronomy research in the library of this institution has made Arithmetic and the two works by force, greatly influenced the development of the history of mathematics

This work is Hârizmî'nin by force, 12 Robert and has been translated into Latin by Gerard Cremonalı Chesterlı century One of the most interesting aspects of his / her work, angles, trigonometric functions were expressed in a number of statements indicating that it contains In addition, the construction of one of Hârizmî'nin usturlabın used for navigation and the other two works describing the use of available people Hârizmî, work of Ptolemy's Geography, Kitâbu Sureti'l-FILE '(on the Format of the Earth) and so has the name translated into Arabic, Greek mathematical knowledge of geography at the entrance to the world of Islam has played an important role

Ali Kuscu

While he was Manager of Samarkand observatory, Akkoyunlus to make peace talks on behalf of the Ottomans arrived in Istanbul Madrasah and saw the overwhelming support of Mehmet the Conqueror commissioned the Hagia Sophia Here, Mirim Çelebi, Yellow Lutfi, the scientists raised valuable, such as Sinan Pasha

In particular, the importance of astronomy and mathematics education and training activities beyond the boundaries of age in the Ali Kuscu; Sophia Madrasah has revised the work programs

While the Zic-i Ulugh Beg Observatory in Samarkand '(Ulugh Beg Stars Catalogue) for the preparation of his work has made the necessary observations and calculations The work, the era's most advanced enterprise computing information

Risaletü'l-Fethiye in the 19's work century, Mühendishanesi'nde Istanbul (Istanbul Technical University) okutulmuştur as a textbook In this work, the distance of celestial objects in the given location and also has added to the end of the book on the world map Inclination of the axis of the globe where 23o30'17 as noted This is quite close to the data of modern astronomy determined

Şerafeddin Sabuncuoğlu

The period of Fatih Sultan Mehmet the famous doctor and medical scholar Mücerrebname 'in his book, has given in his own experiments and observations The main work area of physiology and experimental surgery Haniyeh Cerrahiyatü'l-titled book, and he has incorporated the work of cerrahlıkla has portrayed images of surgical interventions

Bursa Ali Münşi

One of his most important contributions to medical science cinchona 'about the study Here, the tree bark fever, malaria and related diseases such as observations of good has come

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