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bismillah, virtue

Bismillah İs The Virtue?

Eski 10-11-2012   #1
Prof. Dr. Sinsi

Bismillah İs The Virtue?

Bismillah is the virtue?
Hakkında Bismillah is the virtue?

Bismillah is the virtue?

The first post, is Bismillah Adam aleyhisselama a first-come, Besmeledir Believers, with the help of Bismillah, Sırattan passes Signature of Divine Besmeledir invitation Our Master the Prophet, (teacher child, reads Bismillah, children also say, Allahu ta'âlâ the child and the mother and father and teacher prints the bill in order not to hell) said

Euzü read, (Euzü Billah mines-şeytânirracîm); formulas is read, (Bismillahirrahmanirrahim) means

Hadith, (Kerime respect the Koran, is to begin by reading the Holy Quran Kerimin Euzü key Besmeledir) buyuruldu Sure you read, read Euzü Bismillah Kerime verse-reading, according to most scholars, Euzü read alone Begin to read the verse to read or wajib Euzü Sure, Al-Fatiha is wajib to read the beginning of Bismillah read Bismillah begin to read the other suras is circumcised

During prayer, after reading Sübhaneke Euzü sünnettir read Bismillah Allahu ta'âlâ, (E'uzü tell me when we will be reading the Koran Grace) informs us (Nahl 98)

Final forbid such a thing is known to be drinking wine or eating pork roll blasphemy to take Bismillah

Good jobs begin with Bismillah! Buyuruldu Hadith said:
(Ma side of each major business beginning with Bismillah is missing) [Beyheki]

(Home, entering the Basmalah withdraws, the devil, "It does not allow me inside the house," he says, go go) [Tibyan]

(Amel book ta'âlâ 700 Bismillah Allahu that which pulls from hell) [Tergibussalat]

(Needless to writing easier with Bismillah, Allahu ta'âlâ is also pleased) [Deylemi]

(Bismillah began to work with is forgiveness of sins) [Rel Rafi]

(Dinner starts with Bismillah, Alhamdulillah he said at the end, people get up out of tableware is forgiveness of sins) [Tabarani]

(Bismillah with abundant food is eaten) [Ibn Majah]

(Trouble falling, "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim and lâ lâ pile and perseverance aliyyil billahil necessarily force" of course, gets rid of all kinds of distress) [Deylemi]

(A thousand times Bismillah reader will pardon four thousand great sin) [Tergibussalat]

(Soyunurken taken Bismillah, demons would be curtains, private parts will not see their place) [Rel Ebiddünya]

(Taken while entering Helaya Bismillah, demons would be curtains, private parts will not see their place) [T Salat]

(Bismillah written a paper, written from the lifting sıddıklardan) [Tergibussalat]

(Besmelesiz creeping odor, the smell lasts will devils) [Ibn Sunni]

(To protect from satan, start with Bismillah to eat!) [Tabarani]

(Bismillah Take drinking water, also finished, and three in the same breath inside Hallelujah!) [Ibn Sunni]

(Dinner begins, the name of Allahu ta'âlâ moment, that is, pull Bismillah! Forget to take Basmalah at the beginning, when recalled, "and ahirihi evvelihi Bismillahi superb" No matter!) [Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Hakim]

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